
Need advice for Kitchen setting

I started a new job a few weeks ago as a cook for a nursing facility. As these things go, it was well for the first week and half. Recently things took a turn. First and foremost, this is my first time working in a kitchen setting. Let alone having any responsibility for a whole “department”. The cook training me gave me a run down that none of the aides will ever help me. Contrary to that most of them do. The other problem I'm running into is that barely anyone has respect for anyone else. The boss treats anyone under 25 with zero respect and talks down to them. I'm in my early 30's but look 23-25. The older workers all do the same to me and the other young adults. Here's the main issue. I smoke weed on my off time. But these people smoke during work hours…

I started a new job a few weeks ago as a cook for a nursing facility. As these things go, it was well for the first week and half. Recently things took a turn. First and foremost, this is my first time working in a kitchen setting. Let alone having any responsibility for a whole “department”.

The cook training me gave me a run down that none of the aides will ever help me. Contrary to that most of them do. The other problem I'm running into is that barely anyone has respect for anyone else. The boss treats anyone under 25 with zero respect and talks down to them. I'm in my early 30's but look 23-25. The older workers all do the same to me and the other young adults.

Here's the main issue. I smoke weed on my off time. But these people smoke during work hours and drink as well. I already had a target on my back because of my work ethic. While everyone else is messing around I'm cleaning up my station, dishes, the floors all before my shift is over. A couple of them have approached me already saying I'm working way to hard and I should get high or drunk with them in the parking lot instead.

Yesterday I had to call off. I called my boss and her phone went straight to voicemail. I was supposed to go in at 2pm but I left her the message at noon. I got a call from one of the aides a quarter to 3 asking where I'm at and I'm supposed to be in. I told her I already called the boss and she said the boss has class and hasn't let anyone know. Told her not my problem and hung up.

I'm expecting to be talked to and given a warning. My counter is to tell her about the underage drinking and smoking weed. And how the other cook gets high on the clock with one of the aides while the other aide takes off for a few hours and comes back hammered.

I work in Arizona if that helps any as well.

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