
Need advice on filing for a wage claim in Texas with the Department Of Labor

Hello! As stated in the title, I live in Texas. But the wages that are owed are due from work performed in Colorado. I am owed approximately $1,680 for a week of work by my old boss. There are actually 6 of us that are owed money, totaling $8,200. We were supposed to be paid today, but I'm not too worried because it wouldn't be the first time he messed up with payroll. But I did talk to an employee that is still working for him and I was informed that the boss has been very vocal about not paying us. The employee in question was paid today on time. To add context, the 6 of us quit a few days ago. The boss is an extremely incompetent alcoholic coke head. He ended up losing the permits we needed to do our job, meaning we would have been unable to…

Hello! As stated in the title, I live in Texas. But the wages that are owed are due from work performed in Colorado. I am owed approximately $1,680 for a week of work by my old boss. There are actually 6 of us that are owed money, totaling $8,200. We were supposed to be paid today, but I'm not too worried because it wouldn't be the first time he messed up with payroll. But I did talk to an employee that is still working for him and I was informed that the boss has been very vocal about not paying us. The employee in question was paid today on time. To add context, the 6 of us quit a few days ago. The boss is an extremely incompetent alcoholic coke head. He ended up losing the permits we needed to do our job, meaning we would have been unable to work at all. The part that I am concerned about is how I would be able to prove that I was employed for him during that week. None of us are W2 employees, and I never signed anything that would tie me to him as a 1099 employee. I can prove that I did work for him through the previous direct deposits into my bank account. I can also aquire texts between the boss and his second in command (he quit too) that show the boss received texts messages containing our photo IDs, social security numbers, banking info, and also texts discussing and acknowledging each owed employee. I texted the boss today the time sheet for each owed employee, in hopes that he would respond in some way thus acknowledging the owed wages. But he did not respond. Does anybody have any advice on how I should proceed? Should I try to contact him tomorrow and threaten to go to the board of labor? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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