
Need advice since I feel so lost and boxed with my current situation

This is my first ever post here and I am not even sure if this is the right place to post this, but here goes something. I want some opinions or even second opinions since I feel lost and I don't have many people I can talk with about this. So my current position at an elementary school is ending due to them not having enough budget so, I have been trying to find a new job since my job ends after this month. Luckily I have found a summer job for the month so I have some time to find something. I have tried to have opinions with my brother and he just kept telling me to go down the teacher route and get my certification. I am in this program (that doesn't pay me) where I am studying for the tests and having to be in 3hr teams…

This is my first ever post here and I am not even sure if this is the right place to post this, but here goes something. I want some opinions or even second opinions since I feel lost and I don't have many people I can talk with about this.

So my current position at an elementary school is ending due to them not having enough budget so, I have been trying to find a new job since my job ends after this month. Luckily I have found a summer job for the month so I have some time to find something. I have tried to have opinions with my brother and he just kept telling me to go down the teacher route and get my certification. I am in this program (that doesn't pay me) where I am studying for the tests and having to be in 3hr teams meetings two days a week and soon its going to be in-person once and virtual once each week, and it is just so draining. It is difficult to be interested in knowing that most of what I am leaning will not be used in the classroom since I know what it is like to be a teacher after being in the classroom for almost a year.

I feel like I am stuck in a corner I graduated college a year ago and my brother keeps reinforcing that I should have a professional job already however, I honestly don't even know where to start. My parents cannot help me, my brother thinks I should be so far in life even though I am barley 23. I just feel there are other routes I can take but everything I have done keeps pushing me to be a teacher since most jobs I have applied to on indeed are just scams. I am going to speak with some recruiters and hope for the best.

Funny enough I love working and it is something that gives me so much purpose in life. I love all of what I do when working with these kids and making sure they are prepared for the future. I just do not want to go through these certification tests, my brother says I am just trying to take the easy road and because of it I will have a low paying job rather than a professional job that will promote me like him. I know what I should probably do. I should continue this program, but I feel I will just be so miserable in the position even though it will pay much more than other jobs I will apply for.

I know my route should be what makes me happy, and all that makes me happy is working, I just want a job that will last more than six months. I feel like I keep walking into walls with no way to escape. However, there is still that open door of becoming a teacher, but after seeing everything in the school I have been and the program where if I don't pass the test I am screwed. I need to find something now and work for this program in the background or hope to find a professional position with my set of skills. I feel this is too much ranting at this point.

I feel so lost that I cannot find a profession that work for me without forcing myself to get my teacher certification and I do not want to make my brother look down on me as a failure. Sigh… hopefully I can get some insight. Thank you all for reading, I have a few phone calls to make now.

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