
Need Advice – Sticky Situation

urgently need help for the following situation: I manage a team of 6 in a mid sized manufacturing company and the new hire is now causing big problems within the team. Unfortunately our own HR department is pretty incompetent (none of them has much experience much less education in the field). I’ve had multiple conversations about performance with employee B and gave out a verbal warning WITH HR present. Only hours later B sent a complaint email to HR, saying I won’t train her, help her and be rude , unfriendly etc. I know from reliable source that HR agreed to her complaint and told her to go on and don’t let me „pull her down“. Her entire thing is made up and I feel backstabbed and betrayed by my HR! How do I go about this situation?? Since B is obviously incapable of dealing with constructive criticism, I can’t…

urgently need help for the following situation:

I manage a team of 6 in a mid sized manufacturing company and the new hire is now causing big problems within the team. Unfortunately our own HR department is pretty incompetent (none of them has much experience much less education in the field). I’ve had multiple conversations about performance with employee B and gave out a verbal warning WITH HR present. Only hours later B sent a complaint email to HR, saying I won’t train her, help her and be rude , unfriendly etc.
I know from reliable source that HR agreed to her complaint and told her to go on and don’t let me „pull her down“. Her entire thing is made up and I feel backstabbed and betrayed by my HR! How do I go about this situation?? Since B is obviously incapable of dealing with constructive criticism, I can’t make her aware of mistakes and the (consistently) bad performance. I also can’t go to HR because they are apparently just telling everyone what they want to hear and ignore the problem… help please

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