
Need help finding new career. Been at my job 4 years loyally with perfect attendance, yet new people make the same as me or more.

I am in the highest non manager position in my retail store. I am a full time dog trainer. Whenever I am not teaching classes (which I receive no short of STELLAR reviews for), I am used in any department I'm needed. I make 15.71, as a 24 yr old in a skilled service job. It's not enough. Plus I just found out new people are getting hired at 15.75 just to be cashiers. Not to mention how retail has made me into a fucking sociopath. I have so much hate and anger towards people I don't even know, for things I shouldn't care about. For example, walking in and asking an employee where an item is instead of just looking for it. Thats a… normal thing to do.. yet it makes me SOOO angry now. Even when I am not at work, I hate people for the same reasons…

I am in the highest non manager position in my retail store. I am a full time dog trainer. Whenever I am not teaching classes (which I receive no short of STELLAR reviews for), I am used in any department I'm needed. I make 15.71, as a 24 yr old in a skilled service job. It's not enough. Plus I just found out new people are getting hired at 15.75 just to be cashiers.

Not to mention how retail has made me into a fucking sociopath. I have so much hate and anger towards people I don't even know, for things I shouldn't care about. For example, walking in and asking an employee where an item is instead of just looking for it. Thats a… normal thing to do.. yet it makes me SOOO angry now. Even when I am not at work, I hate people for the same reasons I hate customers. I can't even hang out with people or see my family because all I see are customers.

Thing is, im a difficult case. I am moderately functioning autistic and have a very mild speech impediment. The autism only affects ME, not my work, I just become extremely emotional when I feel like I'm not valued or I am stressed, to the point of self harming. I do my job great and I am certain none of my co workers would ever know I feel like that sometimes. The thing is, my speech impediment makes any “more serious” customer service Jobs inaccessible due to the fact that I may be hard to understand to old people on the phone. Normally people don't have an issue, but old people always do and have been extremely mean and aggressive on the phone to me just because they couldn't hear me.

Also, I live in butt fuck no where, so anything serious is also about 2 hours away, really only leaving me with post office jobs or remote work, and a few other random doodads.

I need help man. I need a low stress job that pays enough to live. Literally don't care what it is. I can't continue in retail any further. It is insane to me that I want to kill myself every single day after my shift and I don't even make enough to buy my own food. I know as an autistic person I will never “enjoy” a job, but I at least want to enjoy life slightly.

Here are my skills:
6 yrs customer service
4 years public speaking
4 years animal care including exotics
4 years dog training
Usually hired for my personality and kept for my reliability, flexibility, and work ethic.

Very good with technology, can figure out pretty much anything (except CAD, please don't make me do CAD again). Have highly above average type speed. Hobbies include photography, sewing, gardening, FL studio. As much as I hate dealing with customers, I am very good at it.

Help, please

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