
Need help with phrasing a reply to my boss so I get paid overtime

So at my work if your shift gets switched within

So at my work if your shift gets switched within <24hrs with no warning you are paid overtime for that shift. Recently this happened to me, but I suggested switching my shift to my boss. Since it was suggested by me, my boss is telling me I will not be paid overtime. Any advice how in the future I could mention to my boss that she switches my shift, in a way that doesn't sound like I'm suggesting? They do everything they can not to pay me overtime so I want to cover my ass nest time. Hope this makes sense.

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Need help with phrasing a reply to my boss so I get paid overtime

So at my work if your shift gets switched within

So at my work if your shift gets switched within <24hrs with no warning you are paid overtime for that shift. Recently this happened to me, but I suggested switching my shift to my boss. Since it was suggested by me, my boss is telling me I will not be paid overtime. Any advice how in the future I could mention to my boss that she switches my shift, in a way that doesn't sound like I'm suggesting? They do everything they can not to pay me overtime so I want to cover my ass nest time. Hope this makes sense.

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