
Need some advice on how to proceed with my current situation.

So ive been doing security for 7 years and last week i was sent to a “skilled gaming arcade” (Its just a casino) Before i started i was told of the site and i asked if they had a fish game. ( most of these places have a fish game and its very illegal.) They told me yes but they were on the up and up but i remained suspicious. Well a week goes by and on a table i see a notice from the local PD giving a statement to the owner of the premises that they were the owner of a gambling establishment and must Ceased all gambling activities ect ect. But It had mentioned colorado law code 10-18-107 and 18-10.5-103. the 10-18 one has this on it. (1) “Whoever as owner, lessee, agent, employee, operator, or occupant knowingly maintains, aids, or permits the maintaining of gambling premises…

So ive been doing security for 7 years and last week i was sent to a “skilled gaming arcade”
(Its just a casino) Before i started i was told of the site and i asked if they had a fish game. ( most of these places have a fish game and its very illegal.) They told me yes but they were on the up and up but i remained suspicious.

Well a week goes by and on a table i see a notice from the local PD giving a statement to the owner of the premises that they were the owner of a gambling establishment and must Ceased all gambling activities ect ect. But
It had mentioned colorado law code 10-18-107 and 18-10.5-103. the 10-18 one has this on it.

(1) “Whoever as owner, lessee, agent, employee, operator, or occupant knowingly maintains, aids, or permits the maintaining of gambling premises commits maintaining gambling premises”

And im pretty sure what my company and i do is considered aiding under the terminology.

I want to tell my boss but im sure they are aware and are just scooping the money.

I called the local PD and explained the situation and they said if im there when they kick in the door i will be scooped up. And he was unsure if charges would stick or not under the circumstances.

I really want to quit but everything will go Belly up if i do. But getting scooped in a raid will also make things go belly up.

I took a photo of the Police notice but have been sitting on it for a few days and i dont know what to do.

(Looking for Any advice on how to proceed.) Thank you for taking the time to read.

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