
Need to quit but bad time for boss.

I work as a line cook. It’s a tough job it’s 10 hour shifts in a hot kitchen, and according to my pedometer on a normal day I walk 8 miles and busy day 15-16. It’s at least 55 hours per week. My job doesn’t need to be like this. The entire restaurant pools tips. So the person taking the orders at the counter makes the same as the line cooks. They do a little prep we run a little food and take orders. It all evens out. One of the other cooks is the problem. He has been there the longest and has been promoted to manager(still receives tips). He works the counter and does prep and sits down all day while me and another cook do all the hard kitchen work. When I first started I felt like I was paying dues by taking on the heavy lifting(not…

I work as a line cook. It’s a tough job it’s 10 hour shifts in a hot kitchen, and according to my pedometer on a normal day I walk 8 miles and busy day 15-16. It’s at least 55 hours per week.

My job doesn’t need to be like this. The entire restaurant pools tips. So the person taking the orders at the counter makes the same as the line cooks. They do a little prep we run a little food and take orders. It all evens out. One of the other cooks is the problem. He has been there the longest and has been promoted to manager(still receives tips). He works the counter and does prep and sits down all day while me and another cook do all the hard kitchen work. When I first started I felt like I was paying dues by taking on the heavy lifting(not uncommon in kitchens) but after 11 months it’s time to even out the work load and I work to get my other guy off the line.

The owner is a chef/owner and is completely out of touch. He staffs the place like he works full time but usually works 10-15 hours. We just had a girl leave and we knew about it for 6 months and still haven’t interviewed a replacement. We have been short staffed for over a month, plus all the other kids are on vacation. He doesn’t cover when people are off the people who aren’t are just fucked. I told him about how I was burnt out and dead having health problems and I need to get off the line and he told me he would. It’s been three weeks and I haven’t spent a minute off the line.

So obviously after being the most unhappy I have ever been professionally I want to quit, but the dude is nice and the pay is too notch. I want to just text him but his uncle is in the icu. I want to quit but this is the dickiest time to quit, because he is having personal problems and we are already short and everyone else wants to quit. What the duck do I do? Should I be selfish or rich and miserable for another month?

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