
Need to Vent About the Absolute Lack of Professionalism from My Husband’s New Job

I just need a moment to vent because I am so pissed off! My husband is upset too, but he's dealing with it in a more quiet way. He processes things in his own way, and I give him space to do that. BACKGROUND: My husband works within a sector of healthcare. He's been doing this kind of work for many years, has several certifications, and he's very good at his job. I'm not just saying that as his wife, people love working with him and request him often. I myself work within that field, but in administration. I do reports, staff schedules, on boarding new employees, and things like that. Within the last few months the company that he was working for that he loved has issues and they had to restructure and downsize a fair amount. My husband transferred over to this new company with a few coworkers.…

I just need a moment to vent because I am so pissed off! My husband is upset too, but he's dealing with it in a more quiet way. He processes things in his own way, and I give him space to do that.

BACKGROUND: My husband works within a sector of healthcare. He's been doing this kind of work for many years, has several certifications, and he's very good at his job. I'm not just saying that as his wife, people love working with him and request him often.

I myself work within that field, but in administration. I do reports, staff schedules, on boarding new employees, and things like that.

Within the last few months the company that he was working for that he loved has issues and they had to restructure and downsize a fair amount. My husband transferred over to this new company with a few coworkers. This new company is quite young, less than 5 years old.

THE ISSUES: I've had a sketchy kind of feeling from the get go about this new company (NC from here on out), but I tried to put it aside thinking everyone needs to start somewhere.

My first big red flag I had a hard time ignoring is that during initial negotiations between the old company and NC, NC agreed to EVERYTHING. People's current schedules, keep current rate of pay, current systems being used, all of it. I worried that this was all lip service, and they were just trying to get experienced staff, and once they had them would reneg on things.

I'm just going to list what's been going on since my husband transferred to NC:

  • They started scheduling outside of availability. Called and begged my husband to come in a few times because of call outs on a day he is absolutely not available.

  • There was NO on boarding process at all. They gave staff the necessary paperwork here and there. Husband still has not been at least told where he can find the company policies and procedures.

  • One week husband thought he had about 10hrs of overtime because the weeks at the old job ran Monday-Sunday, but it turns out at NC weeks run Saturday-Sunday, so with his regular schedule he only go like 4hrs of overtime. Again, with no on boarding or access to company policies my husband had no idea. It's not like they told him.

-The utter lack of communication. It's a bear trying to get any essential info.

  • If you need something from them, it takes forever and about 10 phone calls/texts to get it.

Through all of this I've been giving leeway cause it's a new company, there are growing pains, it's technically not my issues to deal with, I'm not going to step on my husband's wheels, etc. I just grumble about it and move on.

This however, is the final straw for me. Yesterday was a payday, and my husband had yesterday off. We had date night planned so we were going a couple of towns over to do some things we don't normally get to do. It wasn't until we got to our destination (about an hour away) that hubs checked his accounts to see that he hadn't actually been paid yet. He called his boss who said, “Oh yeah, we need to give you a paper check. Can you come by to get it?” This was at 4pm. NC office closes at 5pm. Banks close at 5pm. We're an hour away. We are not going to make it back in time.

I'm fuming! Yes, on a personal level I'm pissed that my husband is getting screwed over. However, on a professional level, I am doubly pissed! How do you not properly on board employees?! How do not realize an employee didn't get paid and then try to rectify it?! How the fuck are you running that company?! It's like they expect the staff to just know how they do things without ever telling them. They had literally all day to go, “Oh shit it looks like Mr. Jekyll didn't get paid. We should let him know and get him a check.” Now my husband has to wait until Monday to get his paycheck that he should have gotten yesterday on Friday. We also had to chase them down for his first check, but we at least got that before NC office and banks closed.

I want to rage quit for him, but it's not my place. He is looking into other options, because as I said, he has a lot of experience and people request to work with him.

Thank you for letting me bitch.

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