
Nepotistic manager

Without giving too much details of the workplace it’s a 24/7 operation job with about 30sites in the city. In order to work at a site you need to be orientated for that site. A lot of my coworkers have noticed that the individuals with the most amount of shifts and the best shifts are all close friends of the operations manager and they were all brought from out of town. People that went to highschool or played professional sports together. Whenever I ask said manager for more shifts or orientations he’s always stalling and saying “he’ll keep me in the loop” I just found out that one of his friends flew in recently and he immediately gave him more shifts than I have who has been here for 3months and others who have been here for a year. I’ve repeatedly asked him and now it seems that I’m getting…

Without giving too much details of the workplace it’s a 24/7 operation job with about 30sites in the city. In order to work at a site you need to be orientated for that site.
A lot of my coworkers have noticed that the individuals with the most amount of shifts and the best shifts are all close friends of the operations manager and they were all brought from out of town. People that went to highschool or played professional sports together.
Whenever I ask said manager for more shifts or orientations he’s always stalling and saying “he’ll keep me in the loop” I just found out that one of his friends flew in recently and he immediately gave him more shifts than I have who has been here for 3months and others who have been here for a year. I’ve repeatedly asked him and now it seems that I’m getting desperate.

I’ve never seen such blatant favouritism and nepotism where a person in power is bringing in his friends from out of town is using his powers as the manager responsible for scheduling to bring an army of friends in while neglecting everyone else. His last message to me was “ For sure I’ll see what I can do man. Keep up the great work ”.

I’ve also found out that these Individuals are getting paid for shifts that they are not present for during overnight shifts. Also the shifts require 2 staff at all times at each site. I’ve noticed that sometimes there will only be one person but on his schedule he’ll have both shifts (getting paid 16 hrs for an 8 hr shift) which seems illegal

Keep in mind that this company works as a contract agency for the government so I think they wouldn’t be too happy knowing that they were being billed for hours where individuals are not even present. this is a contract agency for youth in government care. Which makes it all the more infuriating

Apart from all this it is a nice gig and well paying so that’s why most people including myself have not left despite not getting the hours we would like. However it is sickening to see such blatant nepotism as well as exploiting their contracts

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