
Nervous about leaving jobs

Not sure this is the best place to post this, but then again, if anywhere would give me bravery to quit jobs it would be here… I'm a student, just started my masters program this autumn, and during holidays I usually work and sometimes take shifts when asked during the semesters. I definitely don't feel swamped with work, I know how lots of other students work so much in addition to their studies, but I don't get how they do it. Doing well in university is important to me, and attending classes and getting my work done on time is my priority. And if I don't get freetime at all, I feel like it will suck the life out of me. I (kind of) have two jobs, one I've been in for three years and one I started in this summer. I like my recent one, it's in the town…

Not sure this is the best place to post this, but then again, if anywhere would give me bravery to quit jobs it would be here…

I'm a student, just started my masters program this autumn, and during holidays I usually work and sometimes take shifts when asked during the semesters.

I definitely don't feel swamped with work, I know how lots of other students work so much in addition to their studies, but I don't get how they do it. Doing well in university is important to me, and attending classes and getting my work done on time is my priority. And if I don't get freetime at all, I feel like it will suck the life out of me.

I (kind of) have two jobs, one I've been in for three years and one I started in this summer. I like my recent one, it's in the town where I live, related to my studies, usually a shift is either 4 or 6 hours which is chill.

Technically, I don't have a contract in my old job anymore. I didn't work there this summer like usual, but I've been asked to work during christmas. I was honestly hoping they wouldn't ask, so that I could have a christmas completely free of work and studies for the first time in years, but I said yes to some shifts.

I feel kind of over that job, especially now that I have a part-time job that's relevant to what I want do with my life. But I also feel nervous about quitting it, because I've been looking at it like a safety net in case I end up jobless elsewhere. And while it's a stressful job that can be quite demanding sometimes, coworkers are nice, it's in my hometown and it's not shady or anything (besides the contract thing, but it's partially my fault for not mentioning it).

So yeah, I'm having a hard time of deciding what to do. My gut wants me to quit, but it feels risky.

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