
Netflix is a perfect example of why being profitable doesn’t lead to stable employment

If you look at Netflix growth over time, they went from a relatively small company to a monolith, literally a tech giant dominating the entire film and TV industry. They created a lot of jobs, but lately, even though they have record-breaking profits, they are struggling to keep people employed, and even when so far as to fire the diversity hires that they made. Why are The people who haven't done anything, haven't had a chance to provide any value, the ones who are fired? Why not the idiots at the middle or top of the company who are failing miserably to do their jobs yet getting overpaid massively? Netflix is just a perfect example that record profits don't lead to stable employment. Even the slightest, tiny little shift in a downward trajectory of profit leads to huge layoffs. Like what the actual fuck? Business used to be all about…

If you look at Netflix growth over time, they went from a relatively small company to a monolith, literally a tech giant dominating the entire film and TV industry. They created a lot of jobs, but lately, even though they have record-breaking profits, they are struggling to keep people employed, and even when so far as to fire the diversity hires that they made. Why are The people who haven't done anything, haven't had a chance to provide any value, the ones who are fired? Why not the idiots at the middle or top of the company who are failing miserably to do their jobs yet getting overpaid massively?

Netflix is just a perfect example that record profits don't lead to stable employment. Even the slightest, tiny little shift in a downward trajectory of profit leads to huge layoffs. Like what the actual fuck? Business used to be all about ups and downs, perform well a couple months, not well a couple more months, going up and down up and down. Now, If you're not making record-breaking profits every single month, people are getting fired.

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