
Neurodivergence and Full-Time Work

Attempting to work full-time is completely draining me in every way. I'm an autistic 22-year-old without a medical diagnosis (can't afford the screenings currently), and I work 40 hours a week in a warehouse environment. I've only been at this job for a couple months, and I don't mind the work itself, but having so little rest time at the end of every day is causing me overwhelming distress and exhaustion. I'm mostly fine on Monday and sometimes Tuesday, but by the end of the week I'm completely drained and can't do much but lay on the couch and stare at a screen until I go to bed and do it all again the next day. I'm calling out of work more and more regularly because I just can't do it. I'm considering quitting and seeking out part-time work that will just barely cover my bills + seeking out a…

Attempting to work full-time is completely draining me in every way. I'm an autistic 22-year-old without a medical diagnosis (can't afford the screenings currently), and I work 40 hours a week in a warehouse environment. I've only been at this job for a couple months, and I don't mind the work itself, but having so little rest time at the end of every day is causing me overwhelming distress and exhaustion. I'm mostly fine on Monday and sometimes Tuesday, but by the end of the week I'm completely drained and can't do much but lay on the couch and stare at a screen until I go to bed and do it all again the next day. I'm calling out of work more and more regularly because I just can't do it. I'm considering quitting and seeking out part-time work that will just barely cover my bills + seeking out a “side hustle”, but that also comes with a lot of risk and lack of job security.

The capitalist system is extremely oppressive by itself, but adding neurodivergence + lack of accessibility to the mix makes it seem impossible to succeed within the system. I rarely spend any money on myself, but it doesn't seem to matter at this point. Do any other autistic/neurodivergent people feel this way? Is there a way out of this hell cycle, or do I just need to suck it up and cope for the next 40-50 years of my life?

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