
Never give your employer notice (duh!)

So I (31F) have realized over the course of my career that giving notice whether its 2 weeks, 4 weeks or none at all always ends up with your managers bitter AF and unhappy with you. This isnt just for retail or hospitality, Ive only ever had corporate jobs and this has been my experience at every single company. I just recently gave my employer a 4 week notice (did it because I liked my team leader and felt bad for the team). Assumed my TL and I were on good (even friendly) terms so that I could work my notice period quietly w/o drama. BOY WAS I WRONG! Literally as SOON as I declined their counter offer (a measly 6K/year increase) my formerly friendly TL became ice cold. I had no interest in staying and she knew this as we work in financial services and my passions lay elsewhere…

So I (31F) have realized over the course of my career that giving notice whether its 2 weeks, 4 weeks or none at all always ends up with your managers bitter AF and unhappy with you. This isnt just for retail or hospitality, Ive only ever had corporate jobs and this has been my experience at every single company.

I just recently gave my employer a 4 week notice (did it because I liked my team leader and felt bad for the team). Assumed my TL and I were on good (even friendly) terms so that I could work my notice period quietly w/o drama.

BOY WAS I WRONG! Literally as SOON as I declined their counter offer (a measly 6K/year increase) my formerly friendly TL became ice cold. I had no interest in staying and she knew this as we work in financial services and my passions lay elsewhere so once I got an offer for my dream job that paid 2.5x my current salary I took it happily.

My TL now expects that I will do the same level of work which is laughable because I was working 60+ hours a week previously and thats just not going to fly now that my end date is approaching.

Keep in mind btw that I am still doing my job just not going above and beyond like before and the way that management is reacting you would like I took a shit on the companys computer…

It was ultimately my mistake too as I was stupid to give such a long notice. I realize now after years of going through managers switching up on me after resigning that this idea of “burning bridges” is a fallacy. Employers want slaves….whether I quit on the spot, give them 2, 4 or even 6 weeks they are all still PO'd and view me as a traitor and will use my remaining weeks to pile a ton of work…

Dont be like me kids! Always put yourself first, and if you think you know your colleagues you dont, nobody will remember all your hard work they will only remember you leaving them and treat you like scum until your final day.

Someone who is very tempted to just walk out today lol

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