
Never in my life have I had an employer belittle my religious beliefs

While yes I am caucasian, I do follow islamic religious beliefs and it is my own personal beliefs. To which my “POD Leader” today exclaimed to me “you shouldn't greet people with Arabic greetings that's not you, that's not your race that's not your religion” then proceeded to belittle me for believing in Islam essentially because I'm caucasian. I've always worked in hospital and health care settings before and never experienced someone like this until now in a sales position.

While yes I am caucasian, I do follow islamic religious beliefs and it is my own personal beliefs. To which my “POD Leader” today exclaimed to me “you shouldn't greet people with Arabic greetings that's not you, that's not your race that's not your religion” then proceeded to belittle me for believing in Islam essentially because I'm caucasian. I've always worked in hospital and health care settings before and never experienced someone like this until now in a sales position.

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