
Never received thousands of pay verbally promised

I work at a company that cut the 3 people working there’s pay 25% during covid to stay afloat. As time went on they hired more people at full pay to do unrelated jobs to ours while we were verbally promised a pay increase and back pay. After several promises and blame to accounting our pay was finally reinstated to our original amount almost a year and a half after it was initially cut. For me it amounted to over $32k. We received 10k of our backpay as a “retention” bonus and then the rest was supposed to be returned over time…I found it was only given sneakily to the two others and I was promised money several times but never saw any. On top of this I have not received a raise in almost 4 years even though everyone else did. I was told I couldn’t have one because…

I work at a company that cut the 3 people working there’s pay 25% during covid to stay afloat.

As time went on they hired more people at full pay to do unrelated jobs to ours while we were verbally promised a pay increase and back pay. After several promises and blame to accounting our pay was finally reinstated to our original amount almost a year and a half after it was initially cut.
For me it amounted to over $32k. We received 10k of our backpay as a “retention” bonus and then the rest was supposed to be returned over time…I found it was only given sneakily to the two others and I was promised money several times but never saw any.
On top of this I have not received a raise in almost 4 years even though everyone else did.
I was told I couldn’t have one because the company was struggling and we were always “waiting” for company profits to increase.

Now the company has been bought out by another and is quickly moving over.
I realise I have zero hope of every seeing the money that and will have to wait ANOTHER year to be up for a raise.
I feel I have been financially effed over by this company and I am furious. I am also mad at myself for not being pushier about my worth and what I deserve.
I know I can’t hold it against the new company because it has nothing to do with them.

We have three weeks left at the current company and can’t get over it. I just feel myself fuming and every day that I work I feel more checked out and more and more resentful. It doesn’t help that it’s an environment where everyone is unhappy and unsure of whats happening.

It’s all eating away at me mentally and affecting all parts of my life and I can’t seem to let it go. My anxiety and anger are sky high and I feel so flat and want to cry and I just don’t know what to do to mentally move on from this.

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