
never take life advice from somebody who has been at the same job for many years.

If there's anything worse than a boss that tries to convince you that starting your own business isn't worth it, it's the employee/s who follow that advice. Usually these people speak in one or more of the following quotes… “Well, I get 2 hours of sleep everyday, and I still make it to work on time everyday” If you look into these people's lives, you will usually see they are lacking friends. Not kidding. It reeks of self righteousness. Not only that, if you follow the statistics, workaholics are likely to die much younger. No thanks. My health is more important than a paycheck. “You have to keep your problems at home” Really? You work for broke just to keep a roof over your head, your landlord is raising your rent, you wake up with pain everyday from an old injury, and your dog just died, but you're supposed to…

If there's anything worse than a boss that tries to convince you that starting your own business isn't worth it, it's the employee/s who follow that advice.

Usually these people speak in one or more of the following quotes…

“Well, I get 2 hours of sleep everyday, and I still make it to work on time everyday”

If you look into these people's lives, you will usually see they are lacking friends. Not kidding. It reeks of self righteousness. Not only that, if you follow the statistics, workaholics are likely to die much younger.

No thanks. My health is more important than a paycheck.

“You have to keep your problems at home”

Really? You work for broke just to keep a roof over your head, your landlord is raising your rent, you wake up with pain everyday from an old injury, and your dog just died, but you're supposed to forget how shitty everything is so you can focus on pasting stickers to boxes for 10 hrs straight?

This reeks of narcissism.

Again, look deeper into these people's lives and you will probably see they are usually divorced once or twice. Probably because they decided to put their job ahead of their relationship.

Sorry, my personal well being, and family is much more important than a dead end job

“Investing in a business is a huge risk, you're better off putting money in your 401K when you're young, youre gonna need it when you retire”

This is the most precise way to make Sure you will never end up rich. The only reason you would need a 401K is if you aren't rich. If you start investing money into property as early as possibly, you will end up with a couple of properties where your renters are giving you your income and your property is paid off. I know many people who did this young and are doing just fine semi-retired at 38.

  • You don't want to start your own business, it's a lot of work, and a risk

Really? You are working anyway 40-50hrs a week.

Look, you're going to be working anyway, might as well put in those hours to run your own business while you're still young. That's what I DiD. It's just starting to take off too. TF. I used to work for $35hr 50-70hrs a week. Now I charge $150hr + extra for materials and upkeep. working only 20hrs a week. I now have more time to focus on my well being, extra sleep whenever I want to, and make connections. It's easier making connections when you have a smile on your face , and are well rested at your own Leisure. People would rather do business with a face like that than a negative over worked and broke stressed out face…. Which is what you get working for broke everyday of your life wondering if the place you work for will go out of business one day.

The only reason bosses don't want you to start your own business is because they don't what competition. The only reason employees think you're crazy for risking it all to start a business is because they are too nervous to take that initiative themselves.

Everyone who owns a business usually has a story of how they risked everything and worked their ass off to get to where they had to be..

I started during a pandemic. I got nailed to the cross. Lost what i started with… I clawed my way by depressed for over a year. Doing odd jobs I would never do. To get by. But it was worth it. Why he 50+ at a dead end job fully dependent on a 401K and wishing you had a vacation?

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