
Never work for a company that doesn’t reward loyalty in some form.

The administration at my current job doesn't feel the need to give me juat TWO additional hours of work per week, totally my part-time job up to 29 hours instead of 27. They say there isn't enough budget to pay me a grand total more of $49.54 per fucking week. But they just expanded the business, and they're making more revenue than they did last year. I've been with this company for now just over 8 years, and this is what they do to reward me. PART TIME FOR 8 FUCKING YEARS. FUCK YOU. I'M LEAVING. Just as soon as I find another job that can pay the bills. sigh it's how they've kept me for this long. That and hoping they'd eventually change their minds. It's never gonna happen. I'm so done.

The administration at my current job doesn't feel the need to give me juat TWO additional hours of work per week, totally my part-time job up to 29 hours instead of 27. They say there isn't enough budget to pay me a grand total more of $49.54 per fucking week. But they just expanded the business, and they're making more revenue than they did last year. I've been with this company for now just over 8 years, and this is what they do to reward me. PART TIME FOR 8 FUCKING YEARS. FUCK YOU. I'M LEAVING.

Just as soon as I find another job that can pay the bills. sigh it's how they've kept me for this long. That and hoping they'd eventually change their minds. It's never gonna happen. I'm so done.

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