
New at work and I’m feeling iffy AMA

Started a job mid August as a temp and my supervisor, her 2 golden girls and several other coworkers are treating me coldy, putting pressure on me, isolating me and excluding me. I suspect they want me gone but I’ve done nothing wrong except be respectful and work. AMA and well find out if there are red flags at play. • They will not address me directly even when I’m standing right there. They won’t use my name referring to me as “him” or mispronouncing my name and give instructions meant for me to others who then proxy it to me. • They avoid looking at me, greeting me, acknowledging me or even saying hi. • Barely any help, instruction or supervision unless it’s some minor criticism, mistake or nitpick which they do constantly with no positive feedback when I do good but always for the slightest fuck up. •…

Started a job mid August as a temp and my supervisor, her 2 golden girls and several other coworkers are treating me coldy, putting pressure on me, isolating me and excluding me. I suspect they want me gone but I’ve done nothing wrong except be respectful and work. AMA and well find out if there are red flags at play.

• They will not address me directly even when I’m standing right there. They won’t use my name referring to me as “him” or mispronouncing my name and give instructions meant for me to others who then proxy it to me.

• They avoid looking at me, greeting me, acknowledging me or even saying hi.

• Barely any help, instruction or supervision unless it’s some minor criticism, mistake or nitpick which they do constantly with no positive feedback when I do good but always for the slightest fuck up.

• They don’t include me in work exchanges related to deadlines, missing or bad parts, updates etc.

• The golden girls alwayscome early do their part of the job, then when I show up on my time which is later then they’re either done or halfway which always causes me to look slow when my half of the job is required to finish theirs and they’re bitching at me by proxy to hurry tf up.

• They delayed my continued training 4 times:

  • First it was cause another girl was being trained so I had to wait so as to not be unavailable in case my work area needed me to stay ahead of schedule.

  • Second time it was that my team needed me to stay ahead of next month so they needed me.

  • Third time my supervisor went on a week long vacation so I was supposed to be trained a few days after she was gone but the 2 golden girls “forgot”.

  • Fourth time they promised I would start when my supervisor returned since they needed her “approval”. The very start of the next week she returned, the whole day passed and they didn’t train me until the day after.

• That same day I and one of the few friendly coworkers I talk to at my station were working and talking and we were one month’s worth of production ahead and nearly done for the day at a pretty good pace (I was doing part 1 automatically at this point since they delayed my training so much at that point I felt comfortable working and talking with nearly zero mistakes and a pretty good speed for a newbie). This pissed people off for some reason and my supervisor goes behind my back -instead of telling me- to tell my buddy not to talk to me and even split us up. Her excuse being that we were talking and not getting work done. During break my coworker talked about how none of it makes sense as we were talking and doing our work and that the supervisor’s behavior was like high school and that she was acting weird and I asked him if she does that kind of stuff with new hires and he said no. We then resolved to stay quiet the rest of the day and hustle to complete the order quantity which was 3 and despite talking a lot the whole day we did it with 20 min before clock out time and we started halfway through the 4th one which we would resume the next day (goal was exceeded). Mysteriously all the poeple that were friendly and cordial with me at first stopped acknowledging me or even saying hi.

• Next day day me and the golden girls switch spots so I can learn what they do and my buddy got moved behind my new desk so that we wouldn’t talk. That’s when my supervisor calls a meeting to only talk about yesterday’s “incident” saying she was addressing no one in particular while constantly looking at me. Then she has the gall to say talking was allowed as long as you did it while working. She shortly thereafter dismissed the meeting but not before looking at me and saying this should be taken as a warning.

• As day 1 of part 2 of my training began I was put next to an old lady that works like she’s on crack and in just day 1 of training she expects me to work super fast and remember details of a very complex assembling procedure with very little repetition, mistakes and efficient af down to the point she questioned my efficiency with a screwdriver if I wasn’t fast enough and even asked where I worked previously condescendingly as if I was an idiot. The 2 golden girls who were now doing what I previously did are always ahead and we need each other to complete our orders, so I now have multiple sources of pressure to do good and fast work on something I just started. Day 2 I memorized a bunch of stuff but equally forgot others and made mistakes but still did a better/faster job but it still wasn’t good enough.

• Today is day 3 of part 2 of my training and they’re mocking my mistakes, low-key rushing me and doing most of my work for me when I don’t catch up in time (heck my Apple watch is constantly congratulating me due to my insane calorie burn due to my speed).

• The old lady is being impatient saying “I already told you to do this”, “You’re too messy” or “Ugh, you did this wrong” or “Stop doing that!” etc. She loudly sighs or laughs in frustration when she has to repeat instructions or fix minor mistakes I make.

• Today after the old lady had enough of me in just 3 days, my supervisor said I was going to be trained by the goldenest of the 2 golden girls to see if I could do things better and faster (tbh this feels like an attempt to make me look even more incompetent by having the best worker in the office work with me and then use that as excuse to say that I’m untrainable for possible future dismissal ammunition). Even though she always says it’s okay to make mistakes and that I’m learning and to take my time (but be fast and perfect tho) and she also told my department manager (who is secretly my mom’s former coworker from another company far away from over a decade ago -which is how I landed the job, but nobody knows that) that I’m doing great and learning fast every time she checks in on me. They are clearly dissatisfied and have some issue with me personally. Why lie? They were acting weird since day one which makes me think they’re deliberately trying to sabotage me or make me quit while giving me nothing to to counter attack with.

My supervisor said they’re not picking on me or anything and just want to make sure I’m good. Bull. It’s funny she brought it up cause even though that’s what it feels like, I’ve been mum so she might be deflecting the truth.

I know I’m not tripping cause at my previous very toxic job they did a lot of this shit too.

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