
New boss at work is trying to push me out and ruin my career

I hate my job and I hate being an EA it’s destroying my mental health. Pretty sure I’m being put on a PIP before they fire me. I started supporting two new execs over the summer at my company. They are both west coast based and we are east coast so that’s already a challenge. When I was asked to take on the second one I had no clue how hectic the marketing dept could be. It requires a full time EA. To top it off this new exec is a micromanaging nightmare. He’s rude and treats me as a lowly peasant and doesn’t communicate with me at all. He texts me all hours of the day and I’ve had to work the full day on two of my PTO days. The strain of this has affected my work performance with both execs. Last week this exec revoked my access…

I hate my job and I hate being an EA it’s destroying my mental health. Pretty sure I’m being put on a PIP before they fire me. I started supporting two new execs over the summer at my company. They are both west coast based and we are east coast so that’s already a challenge. When I was asked to take on the second one I had no clue how hectic the marketing dept could be. It requires a full time EA. To top it off this new exec is a micromanaging nightmare. He’s rude and treats me as a lowly peasant and doesn’t communicate with me at all. He texts me all hours of the day and I’ve had to work the full day on two of my PTO days. The strain of this has affected my work performance with both execs. Last week this exec revoked my access to his email and last night my other exec the boss I report to revoked me access too saying it’s just a company sensitivity issue. I know that’s a lie. I’ve tried discussing with HR with the challenges I am facing and they basically said deal with it or get a new job. I now fear I am being removed bc they’re going to put me on a PIP or fire me. I just can’t take it anymore and feel like such a complete failure. I shouldn’t, no
One should, require anti anxiety meds to get through work

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