
New boss eliminated a position and now would like me to do that job on top of my job as a “special project”

Pretty much the title. I work in higher ed. Our events person got a new job and her position was eliminated. We are hiring a new person within our office and it was understood by employees that this person would be responsible for events as a big chunk of their job. They would also be starting at minimum 25k more than me(2 pay bands above me). Now my boss has asked me to do all the Spring events (about 10 of them in multiple states) as a “special project” cause she is such a fan of professional growth, etc and because it would delay things to wait until the new person starts, etc. How do I say NO and not be viewed as an employee that is “unwilling to pitch in?” I am willing to help but I don’t want to be solely responsible for this guaranteed mess. I really…

Pretty much the title. I work in higher ed. Our events person got a new job and her position was eliminated.

We are hiring a new person within our office and it was understood by employees that this person would be responsible for events as a big chunk of their job. They would also be starting at minimum 25k more than me(2 pay bands above me).

Now my boss has asked me to do all the Spring events (about 10 of them in multiple states) as a “special project” cause she is such a fan of professional growth, etc and because it would delay things to wait until the new person starts, etc. How do I say NO and not be viewed as an employee that is “unwilling to pitch in?” I am willing to help but I don’t want to be solely responsible for this guaranteed mess. I really think the new person should do it. From my pov, it seems like I would do all the work and they would get the title and the pay.

I also can already imagine my boss not taking “no” as an answer and me having to have this conversation multiple times with a slightly higher incentive each time. I doubt it would ever be a good incentive. Just dangling a carrot.

*This would be another persons 40hr a week job that I would be doing xtra for at least 7 months.

Tldr: new boss wants me to do someone else’s previous entire job as “special project.” This “new project” had someone getting paid 40hrs a week to do and they already hated their job. This would be for at least 7 months.

Thank you for all your help in advance!!! I have been stewing in my frustration since my meeting.

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