
New boss made me break down in tears (one of the benefits of remote work)

My company just had a huge shakeup and restructuring. A new SVP of my department came in and my boss who I actually had a great relationship with left for a new job. My old boss gave me a lot of freedom and this new one is the exact opposit. For example, we have a new intern on our team and they are shadowing me for a bit this week. Since it's slow right now, I figured it would be a good opportunity to make short-ish meetings with colleagues within the industry I work in to show the intern what people in our field do and what careers could be available. First – new boss wanted to talk about it and asked me to set up a meeting – which to be fair i forgot to do until much later. When I bumped the email with the idea she said…

My company just had a huge shakeup and restructuring. A new SVP of my department came in and my boss who I actually had a great relationship with left for a new job.

My old boss gave me a lot of freedom and this new one is the exact opposit. For example, we have a new intern on our team and they are shadowing me for a bit this week. Since it's slow right now, I figured it would be a good opportunity to make short-ish meetings with colleagues within the industry I work in to show the intern what people in our field do and what careers could be available.

First – new boss wanted to talk about it and asked me to set up a meeting – which to be fair i forgot to do until much later. When I bumped the email with the idea she said that 1:1s are overkill because the new intern would be introduced in meetings. This is such a ridiculous take – it is extremely beneficial and not a time waster, imo. We want to foster and help this person grow in their career. these meetings wouldn't be redundant.

Second – I shouldn't even have to ask this manager how I want to spend my time with the intern. With the last boss, I'd ask out of courtesy and she'd be like, go for it. The fact that she said one on ones are overkill is so out of touch.

I really want to push back – I have a response drafted saying that the goal would to create an opportunity for the intern to better understand the industry and the jobs that they could do, which is something you can't do in a regular meeting.

This new manager has already fired someone publicly and has self identified as a 'delegator'. So now this intern is going to be with me for 3 hours tomorrow and we have nothing to do.

I'm so angry that I just burst into tears – I'm a cryer when frustrated lol.

I really want to just schedule the calls anyways but i know that she'd find out and it would come back to bite me. She already fired someone publicly.

I have a job interview on Friday and I'm studying really hard for it – initially it was kind of on a whim but now I want to gtfo. I got red flags the moment I met her. Always trust your gut.

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