
New cellphone policy/ordering food.

Long story short we were notified that cellphone use during work hours unless there's an emergency is prohibited. (Common sense) So I ask the question, what if we want to order food for lunch whatever whatever and I'm told even that's prohibited and bring lunch from home? That to me sounds like it violates some law? Also that's messed up some people can bearly afford groceries and fast food everything's expensive so what do they want me to do?

Long story short we were notified that cellphone use during work hours unless there's an emergency is prohibited. (Common sense) So I ask the question, what if we want to order food for lunch whatever whatever and I'm told even that's prohibited and bring lunch from home? That to me sounds like it violates some law? Also that's messed up some people can bearly afford groceries and fast food everything's expensive so what do they want me to do?

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