
New co-worker training me is a narcissist and a bully

So I just started working at a company that makes labels for different types of products. I run what is called a slitter machine. For contacts I have many years of previous experience running Slater machines and about 4 months running the particular type of machine that I am now running at my new job so I'm by no means ignorant of what it takes to run the job or operate this machine. So about a month ago I got hired at a new company and everything went fine for my first week I found out on my first day that the guy that would be my coworker and training me was off on vacation for that entire first week so first week went by everything was fine. With the exception that I heard from all of my other co-workers how the guy I would be working with what's called…

So I just started working at a company that makes labels for different types of products. I run what is called a slitter machine. For contacts I have many years of previous experience running Slater machines and about 4 months running the particular type of machine that I am now running at my new job so I'm by no means ignorant of what it takes to run the job or operate this machine. So about a month ago I got hired at a new company and everything went fine for my first week I found out on my first day that the guy that would be my coworker and training me was off on vacation for that entire first week so first week went by everything was fine. With the exception that I heard from all of my other co-workers how the guy I would be working with what's called him D, “D is very hard to work with, D is a, D has his own way of doing things, D is very particular, D has run off somewhere between 20 to 40 employees that were hired to help them run this machine (this last one I heard from several people and is very concerning). So fast forward he comes back from his vacation Monday morning I come in I'm ready to work with him I let him know I understand that he has his own way of doing things and that he should teach me this machine like I've never seen it before so that I don't miss anything try my best to be open to his style of training and to be accommodating as possible cuz I know everybody does things differently and I'm the new guy. He's just generally surly and rude acts like I'm a moron or 20 years younger than him even though we are similar ages, does the thing where he walks over to other employees and is clearly talking to them about how I'm stupid or I messed up cuz I see him do it every time that I make a mistake. Finally this sort of blows up towards the end of the week and I end up yelling at him over something pretty minor I tell him his reputation proceeds him and he continues to call me stupid over and over and over again. We end up going on break come back apologize to each other later on I have a chat with the boss and so does he. I let the boss know hey I was just trying to tell this guy I'm not a temp I'm not going anywhere I know what I'm doing, stop being rude. The bosses response is to let me know that he told D that it's always unacceptable to say something like someone is stupid so that shouldn't happen again, proceeds to explain several of the reasons why he's had to let this guy's coworkers go in the past says I misunderstanding and other people don't know what they're talking about he didn't run anybody off etc etc. Things are great for the rest of that day and the next several days we get along very well but after a few days the negativity starts to creep back in the disrespect starts to creep back in the general surly attitude starts to creep back in. Fast forward a few weeks, boss is off today and all week there's very little work to do today D proceeds to push through all of the tasks we've been assigned so that we're done by like 11:30 in the morning we have almost 4 hours of work left with nothing to do. I can't stand the idea of hanging out with this guy for three and a half hours with nothing to do knowing that he's going to take it upon himself to find mundane tasks to try and keep me busy etc. I ended up leaving early and texting the boss to let him know it was no big deal because we were done for all the work for the day. I know I'm going to hear s*** from D in the morning since I left early but of course the boss won't be back until next week. I'm at the point where I kind of want to start looking for another job which is really disappointing because I really like this job in the field that I'm in and I'm good at it and this is the day shift job which is hard for me to find I just wish there was a way I could explain all of this to the boss, D knows enough about the warehouse and the manufacturing operation their number of other things that he could do. I would like to be able to convince the boss to move into another task and allow me to operate this machine on my own. But I am asking for specific advice but I would appreciate it I kind of just needed to vent thank you everyone, except D. He's a jerk his whole ego is wrapped up in stupid mundane job and he acts like he's the one making money off of it you would think he was the CEO not a low level employee. Have a feeling solidarity is probably a four-letter word for him. Definition of a company man

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