
New company doesn’t pay OT – what happens when you need it?

This is my first job that doesn’t pay overtime, and although things are pretty quiet right now as I just started, I know it won’t always be like this. My question is, as a worker, what do you do when you’ve hit the maximum hours for the week and still have work to do? My concern is (obviously) working for free just to stay in good graces, but it’s starting to not make sense to me. It would be one thing if everything was able to be completed within our 8 working hours a day, but I know when we get busier, this may not be the case. So what would I need to do if that happens?

This is my first job that doesn’t pay overtime, and although things are pretty quiet right now as I just started, I know it won’t always be like this.

My question is, as a worker, what do you do when you’ve hit the maximum hours for the week and still have work to do? My concern is (obviously) working for free just to stay in good graces, but it’s starting to not make sense to me.

It would be one thing if everything was able to be completed within our 8 working hours a day, but I know when we get busier, this may not be the case. So what would I need to do if that happens?

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