
New employee got promotion that I’ve been waiting over two years for

Our department has five sub departments. During the pandemic, the department created a sixth team where they plucked one person from each team and internalized customer service. By no longer paying IT to do our customer service, my team saves the department 40k a month. With this new internal customer service role, my team and I learned a bunch of new skills due to the cross training. Our team is suppose to be able to answer the customer service tickets of all the five departments teams. This new role and knowledge earned our team promotions. When the hiring freeze lifted on June 2021 the paperwork to get our title changes and pay upgrades was submitted to HR. However, do to political bull the manager we had was forced to no longer be our manager. She was the only one fighting for our promotions. New manager and I have our 1:1…

Our department has five sub departments. During the pandemic, the department created a sixth team where they plucked one person from each team and internalized customer service. By no longer paying IT to do our customer service, my team saves the department 40k a month.

With this new internal customer service role, my team and I learned a bunch of new skills due to the cross training. Our team is suppose to be able to answer the customer service tickets of all the five departments teams.

This new role and knowledge earned our team promotions. When the hiring freeze lifted on June 2021 the paperwork to get our title changes and pay upgrades was submitted to HR. However, do to political bull the manager we had was forced to no longer be our manager. She was the only one fighting for our promotions. New manager and I have our 1:1 every other week. So once I month I ask the status about the progress and every time i get told bs as to why it’s still in progress.

The sub department I came from got a new hire five months ago. It has just been announced that she got a new role and has gone from a 2 to a 3. This is something I’ve been waiting for since June 2021. I keep asking when will I be a 3 and just get nothing.

How do I bring this up to my manager? I don’t want to sound entitled. I earned my title to become a 3 when our team formed in June 2020. I am sure the new hire deserved her title change and congratulations to her, but that doesn’t diminish that I also deserve my title change.

One thing to note: the new hire interviewed for her new position. I can’t interview for that same position because it was under a different team and manager. My teams promotions are suppose to be retroactive/no interview needed. I have repeatedly told my manager that I will interview for the position, but no positions for our team get opened.

What should I do?

Edit: wanted to note that I have now seen four people become a 3 before me. One of those people I trained and was hired after me. The other is the one who joined five months ago.

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