
New employer is asking me to train out of state for longer than initially agreed.

I just started with a new employer on Monday. I live in Alabama, and the job site won't be open until late March. The company flew me out to Ohio to train. I will be here until the 20th training. When I signed my contract we discussed me coming back from January 4th-the end of January. Well, they just now told me that they want me here until March 15th until the site opens. I'm pretty upset about this news. My wife and I struggled with the idea of being gone for 1 month. I need the job, but this really sucks.

I just started with a new employer on Monday. I live in Alabama, and the job site won't be open until late March. The company flew me out to Ohio to train. I will be here until the 20th training. When I signed my contract we discussed me coming back from January 4th-the end of January. Well, they just now told me that they want me here until March 15th until the site opens. I'm pretty upset about this news. My wife and I struggled with the idea of being gone for 1 month. I need the job, but this really sucks.

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