
New guy takes 12 hours to do half my old job

So I worked at a beverage company for 3 years. Freshly dropped out of college at 19 and needed an “adult job,” and they were hiring in a city about 30 minutes away. Well, I got the job stocking shelves with their product, but then found out that even though the job listing was in my neighboring town I was required to drive my personal vehicle all over their region on order to fill in on people's days off. Fine, not bad seeing as they were paying mileage, and I was making a little less than $17 an hour back in 2018 at 19 years old. I got my first promotion after only a year, and it was a nightmare. I set up gas station coolers for the contracts they signed with my company. It was like $1 more an hour, so I was like, “Dope, more money.” Unfortunately, they…

So I worked at a beverage company for 3 years. Freshly dropped out of college at 19 and needed an “adult job,” and they were hiring in a city about 30 minutes away.

Well, I got the job stocking shelves with their product, but then found out that even though the job listing was in my neighboring town I was required to drive my personal vehicle all over their region on order to fill in on people's days off.

Fine, not bad seeing as they were paying mileage, and I was making a little less than $17 an hour back in 2018 at 19 years old.

I got my first promotion after only a year, and it was a nightmare. I set up gas station coolers for the contracts they signed with my company. It was like $1 more an hour, so I was like, “Dope, more money.”

Unfortunately, they only trained me for about 3 days and then proceeded to have me continue doing my old job for 2 months before they set me loose on my own do to my current job…

Each reset job was taking me about 12-14 hours because I had so little training that I hardly knew what I was doing. I finally got some people from corporate to come help me (my boss's boss's boss), and they were shocked when I apparently didn't know the most minute details about the job. That was until I told them how I was trained. Lucky for me, they took some extra time to keep helping me and teach me how to do the job, and I ended up getting promoted to being a regional sales rep 21 for nearly double the pay.

They gave no training.

I spent about 12 to 14 hours cleaning up out of date product and just absolute messes from the previous rep over about 6 months befor I was able to get my route down and work about 8-10 hours a day. Customers loved me, my delivery guys loved me, and I loved my job

They completely changed everyone's route.

I was previously a small format rep until they decided to completely mangle everyone's route and give everyone some large stores on top of their small stores. “It's to tighten everyone's route so you're no driving as much” I literally drove almost identical miles, but the only difference was that I had lost about 20 stores to take care of two Kroggy market stores and Mal-Mart.

I didn't mind it too much at first until the store manager at Mal-Mart was constantly calling me or my boss claiming I was “ordering too much” when my orders would literally last until their next delivery. It got to the point where I HATED a job I used to love, so I trolled around for a new job but couldn't find a good replacement.

After about 6 months of dealing with the Mal-Mart asshat, I finally managed to gtfo and get a job with my current employer that I have been enjoying for the past 5 months.

My older brother (who I helped get a job with my previous employer) also became a rep and still gives me the hot gossip. Apparently, they took 3 months to replace me and hired some guy with a business degree off the streets instead of promoting from within. They literally had 2 other people run half my old route and had him work the other half, and it was still taking him 12 hours to get everything done.
Apparently, he's super conceited and won't help stock product in his own stores because I guess a degree makes you too good for that?

He's apparently completely on his own now, but all the delivery drivers are complaining because his orders are absolute ass. Have gone into a few of my old customers, and they have BEGGED me to come back.

Makes me smile every time.

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