
New Hires

I really am tired of workplaces treating new hires like slaves until they “prove themselves.” Took an awful job a while back. Walked out after my three month probation meeting (which I did pass) I was treated like the office bitch the entire time. I was made to do the silliest tasks. I had to do every physical thing, move giant file boxes of the other women needed anything, sort through piles of paper no one else ever got to, go through tedious lists matching things. Basically everything no one wanted to do. Fine. I was never allowed to work from home when my coworkers always did. But then I get told in my probation the- the first topic was thunderstorms. I have no idea how that was a topic but that's how my review started- with the expectation I would be staying when there were “thunderstorms” so the other…

I really am tired of workplaces treating new hires like slaves until they “prove themselves.”

Took an awful job a while back. Walked out after my three month probation meeting (which I did pass)

I was treated like the office bitch the entire time. I was made to do the silliest tasks. I had to do every physical thing, move giant file boxes of the other women needed anything, sort through piles of paper no one else ever got to, go through tedious lists matching things. Basically everything no one wanted to do. Fine. I was never allowed to work from home when my coworkers always did.

But then I get told in my probation the- the first topic was thunderstorms. I have no idea how that was a topic but that's how my review started- with the expectation I would be staying when there were “thunderstorms” so the other two could leave. I then, got reemed for intermittently checking my phone. And before you say it, there was no policy. Everyone else was always on their phone, showing me Facebook memes, etc. So I didn't think checking texts between generating documents was an issue (my coworker had her head down scrolling no joke 4 hours a day)

Didn't take long for me to realize the main reason they hired me was I lived so close (I wish there was a way to never disclose that) and the other two were unhappy they moved locations. I guess I was supposed to be the remedy to their unhappiness.

Here's the thing- this job paid 16 dollars an hour. 16 fucking dollars. If I wasn't married to someone, I couldn't even feed myself. The low wage is the consideration for being new. I'm tired of the new person gets lowest wage, hardest tasks, overtime etc.

I have nothing to prove.

PS one year later I still get sent the job ad for that place. It disappears for a month or two and then gets posted again.

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