
New job doesn’t appreciate work/life balance

I started a new job 2 months ago and I saw a few red flags before accepting it. I ignored them because I was being laid off from my previous role, and as a single mom, I needed to have a job immediately. I work from home in sales and this allowed me to continue to do that. The other day I needed to pick my teen up from school and take her to an Orthodontist appt. Because of that, I most likely would run late to my sales team meeting with leadership that they require us to be on camera for. I let my boss know that I would call into the meeting but wouldn’t be on camera. Just a heads up! He immediately called me and said, “Do NOT say you aren’t on camera because you’re at a doctor appointment. The CEO will just assume you aren’t working…

I started a new job 2 months ago and I saw a few red flags before accepting it. I ignored them because I was being laid off from my previous role, and as a single mom, I needed to have a job immediately. I work from home in sales and this allowed me to continue to do that. The other day I needed to pick my teen up from school and take her to an Orthodontist appt. Because of that, I most likely would run late to my sales team meeting with leadership that they require us to be on camera for. I let my boss know that I would call into the meeting but wouldn’t be on camera. Just a heads up! He immediately called me and said, “Do NOT say you aren’t on camera because you’re at a doctor appointment. The CEO will just assume you aren’t working and will be mad at you and at me. Just say you are driving back from a client meeting”

I was speechless. We all have doctor appointments during the day that we have to deal with. Why should I lie about it? Needless to say, I’m interviewing elsewhere now.

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