
new job ghosted me for 3 months now after working only 3 shifts

so i was hired at this retail perfume store as a part-time job and i had only three 3 hour shifts. they told me they would give me an actual schedule (instead of just asking me to come in on a certain day like the usually do) the following week. fast forward it’s been three months and i’ve heard nothing from them. they haven’t contacted me, texted, or scheduled me for a shift since then. i also found out that a girl i know started working there recently and apparently has been given a lot of shifts. i’ve been searching for a part time job ever since i noticed they weren’t given me shifts, which was like two weeks after, and no luck as of now but i’m just really pissed at the unprofessionalism. and they don’t even have a reason to fire me because i worked there THREE times…

so i was hired at this retail perfume store as a part-time job and i had only three 3 hour shifts. they told me they would give me an actual schedule (instead of just asking me to come in on a certain day like the usually do) the following week. fast forward it’s been three months and i’ve heard nothing from them. they haven’t contacted me, texted, or scheduled me for a shift since then. i also found out that a girl i know started working there recently and apparently has been given a lot of shifts.

i’ve been searching for a part time job ever since i noticed they weren’t given me shifts, which was like two weeks after, and no luck as of now but i’m just really pissed at the unprofessionalism. and they don’t even have a reason to fire me because i worked there THREE times and it was short shifts and so far all the shifts i’ve been given were just training and not even actual selling. i’m so done with this bs

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