
New job is paying scraps

I’m 16 years old and am planning to move out as soon as I turn 18, so I need a job desperately. I went around to 6 different locations, and all but one told me to apply online. The 6th, a pet store, gave me an application but pretty much told me they weren’t going to hire me. I went home and applied to all 5 locations. It’s important to note that I’ve had two jobs already, didn’t get fired from either and both managers were willing to give good recommendations. I know this is more experience than most kids my age have, so I figured I’d have a shot, especially because most of the places had hiring signs in their window. So I applied, and radio silence for four weeks. I finally called one of the stores, thinking that the online applications didn’t go through or something, and they…

I’m 16 years old and am planning to move out as soon as I turn 18, so I need a job desperately. I went around to 6 different locations, and all but one told me to apply online. The 6th, a pet store, gave me an application but pretty much told me they weren’t going to hire me. I went home and applied to all 5 locations. It’s important to note that I’ve had two jobs already, didn’t get fired from either and both managers were willing to give good recommendations. I know this is more experience than most kids my age have, so I figured I’d have a shot, especially because most of the places had hiring signs in their window. So I applied, and radio silence for four weeks. I finally called one of the stores, thinking that the online applications didn’t go through or something, and they agreed to interview me. I show up, and low and behold, they had my online application right there. They did hire me, but told me I could only work on weekends and are paying me 10/hr. I know that’s more than minimum wage, and maybe I shouldn’t be complaining, but I my past two jobs paid more than this, and with my experience and the fact that they’re hiring a lot of people right now, the starting wage should’ve been higher. That, and I feel like online applications are just a way for companies to ignore them. For example one of the places I applied to was Panera, and instead of getting an email about a job interview, they spammed me with emails about applying for a job, as if that wasn’t exactly what I had just done.

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