
New Job Rescinded Written Job Offer, 10 Days Before Start Date. Poor Reference Blamed.

I received a verbal and written offer letter to work at a company in a salary position near my home on the 9th of August. On the 18th , since it appeared that I had met all contingencies for the position, and since I had been given an official start date that it would be safe to go ahead and issue my resignation from my current company. I did so with an extremely heavy heart, and only because my husband is facing some health challenges right now, and is bringing home less income. Having a stable income at a job where I was in a salaried position. This would be much more helpful. My current company completely understood and told me they were extremely sad to see me go. But they understood I needed to leave. At the very beginning of this process, the new company that I was supposed…

I received a verbal and written offer letter to work at a company in a salary position near my home on the 9th of August.

On the 18th , since it appeared that I had met all contingencies for the position, and since I had been given an official start date that it would be safe to go ahead and issue my resignation from my current company.
I did so with an extremely heavy heart, and only because my husband is facing some health challenges right now, and is bringing home less income. Having a stable income at a job where I was in a salaried position. This would be much more helpful.
My current company completely understood and told me they were extremely sad to see me go. But they understood I needed to leave.

At the very beginning of this process, the new company that I was supposed to work for had asked me to send a few references a survey to fill out on their new employees , basically, it’s just to learn more about them, and just to assess their skills and strengths. (That’s what I was told)

I sent them to a previous coworker and two previous supervisors of mine at my last job. My current company even said that they would be willing to do the survey if they needed to but I had already picked out three people to do the survey and didn’t need them to do it.

One of the people I worked with at my current company for several months and we had an amazing professional rapport and she was very supportive When I told her that I was going to be leaving our company and was more than happy to do the survey for me. Since she knows, my husband is sick and how stressful financial stuff has been for us.

The other individual was a past supervisor who I used as a reference one time before, and she had always given me amazing and rave reviews. AND, I have also babysat her children on several occasions. I can almost guarantee this person would never say a thing against me. We still talk on a personal basis often.

The third person, I sent the survey to was the Director of my last company who I had a very close professional relationship with . He was devastated when I had to leave my position there. And still to this day, says I am welcome to come back at any time. (The hours there were too inconsistent, but i loved my colleagues and clients) The only thing I could see going wrong potentially with his survey was maybe he didn’t understand part of it. He is a little technologically slow. My husband had to come over a whole bunch of times and help him out with stuff around the center when he couldn’t figure out how to do certain things.

Apparently, as I was told today, my new company that I was supposed to start working for on 11 September, read something on one of the surveys that made them uncomfortable, and felt like I would no longer be a good fit with their company. So, 11 days before I was supposed to start working there, (and after my current company had already begun exit paperwork for me and found new therapists to start working with my clients, and after I had already sent this new company, my Social Security card and my drivers license, and fill out a whole host of entrance paperwork that took several hours) they decided to call me to tell me the responses on the skills survey were not up to their standards. (Like wtf?)

I explained that I didn’t even know that was a possibility, and that I understood that people could be fired at will, if something inappropriate was found in the background check. But that I had no idea that the surveys were contingent to my employment.

And the surveys were completed almost 2 weeks ago…..I even asked if it was a possibility that the person just misunderstood the form and or filled it out incorrectly. I explained that my husband and I because of his health issues were really depending on this job and that I had already resigned from my current company. I tried to keep my cool, but I will admit I got a little tearful. The person profusely apologized and told me to follow up with the hiring manager that I had interviewed with.

I did send her an email and asked if she was able to verbally follow up with all of the references or at least the ones that had made a concerning responses on the survey . I am truly worried that perhaps one of them just misunderstood one of the questions or accidentally throws out inappropriately. Because I truly can’t imagine any of them tanking me.

My current boss was shocked when I told her. And she even said that she would write a personalized review and fill out a survey if need be, and that she felt awful but that she had already found someone to fulfill my absence. She assured me that my work has been impeccable while working with her.

And that if I were even allowed to stay with the company, I would likely have to wait for all new clients to become available in order to bill for hours. And we already told a whole bunch of families that I would no longer be working with them, which was extremely emotional for them. So basically, this is worst case scenario..

I’m terrified. I’m considering begging my current company to allow me to stay by any means necessary. But if I have no client hours, I need a new job. I can’t believe this happened and I’m hoping I can clear this up somehow. This is literally feels like a nightmare.

But this isn’t the first time I feel like I’ve been unfairly passed over for a job. And this time they full on fucked me over too. I’m so over this CYCLE.
I’ve literally lost out on job offers for no reason at all, I’ve had employers ghost me , and I’ve seen companies play favorites, time, and time again. I really thought this time would be different. My husband and I really needed this. Now I will be lucky to emerge from this with any job at all.

I’m not really sure how to move on from this . Does anyone have any tips or anything to say about this?? I know it’s pathetic to beg this company to allow me to work for them or alternatively, to beg my current company, to allow me to stay, after I have issued a resignation. but I really am at a LOSS.

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