
New job tells me 4 days in advance that they’re no longer opening the location and now I have no job

I got hired for a new job at the beginning of July. I’ve had quite a few things going on so I told them I could start training around mid august they said that was totally fine since the location I’m being hired for wouldn’t be open just yet and once me and the other tech were trained the location will be ready to have us start. The training was supposed to be in Florida for 3 weeks. I waited to put in my notice at my job until I had my flight information and everything locked in because I was nervous about leaving my old job without it. I didn’t like my old job… they paid very low for my industry and said that we get tips and that justifies the low hourly but I wasn’t breaking over 25$ in tips. They keep everyone at part time to avoid…

I got hired for a new job at the beginning of July. I’ve had quite a few things going on so I told them I could start training around mid august they said that was totally fine since the location I’m being hired for wouldn’t be open just yet and once me and the other tech were trained the location will be ready to have us start. The training was supposed to be in Florida for 3 weeks. I waited to put in my notice at my job until I had my flight information and everything locked in because I was nervous about leaving my old job without it. I didn’t like my old job… they paid very low for my industry and said that we get tips and that justifies the low hourly but I wasn’t breaking over 25$ in tips. They keep everyone at part time to avoid having to provide benefits. They expected us to come in sick to work in close proximity with clients. I was in the hospital recently and was asked if I could still come in that day? Just all around not a good company. The one plus was the gals I worked with were pretty cool. So a while ago I started to look for other jobs. I was hired for almost a ten dollar raise, full time, benefits, PTO the works. I didn’t give my old job a lot of notice because I was starting to feel stressed about leaving for 3 weeks and needed more time to prepare and the thought of going in to that company was soul crushing. Well my new job just called and said that they’re not going to open the location for another 2-3 months and we’re canceling my training. They said they could offer me a sales coordinator position for a much lower hourly and only part time. I’m devastated and now without a job and left feeling like this is my bad karma for not giving my old job a longer heads up. Idk what to do. I’m just in shock.

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