
New job that hired me, to my shock, offered to pay for transportation to orientation, but Shelter then steals the money, New job says too bad, and now I’m stuck.

I've been struggling to get out of homelessness for awhile. Despite preceptions people have on them, most shelters are useless, in fact it's almost a job itself to work around them to seek a way out. I thought I managed to do that, I got hired for an entry accounting job thats 35hrs a week at $21/hr, which in a small town down south is a life-changing income. That's real non-processed food, affording insurance, my own phone, an apartment, and eventually maybe a car and most importantly, a savings account. But there was a cache to this good news. The company required me to finish the hiring process, including scanning SS and drug test, at a location that wasn't nearby. To my shock however, the job knowing my situation of not having a car and no housing offered to pay for the transportation, and was supposed to work with my…

I've been struggling to get out of homelessness for awhile. Despite preceptions people have on them, most shelters are useless, in fact it's almost a job itself to work around them to seek a way out.

I thought I managed to do that, I got hired for an entry accounting job thats 35hrs a week at $21/hr, which in a small town down south is a life-changing income. That's real non-processed food, affording insurance, my own phone, an apartment, and eventually maybe a car and most importantly, a savings account.

But there was a cache to this good news. The company required me to finish the hiring process, including scanning SS and drug test, at a location that wasn't nearby.

To my shock however, the job knowing my situation of not having a car and no housing offered to pay for the transportation, and was supposed to work with my shelter to cover the cost of a ride there and back, totalling $85. It's a one time visit, I'll be working full-time at a closer location after.

However, time passed and the money never got to me. Instead the shelter staff involved suddenly denied there was any call or discussion with the company. When I contacted the new job, they expressed their sympathies but said that if something happened with the shelter, it's not their problem.

Because of this, the shelter leadership has put me in a tough situation here because the job offer is still good, but I would have to find a way to get my own transport all the way to their corporate location.

I have until this Friday, to get $85 and to get there, and if I do so the job offer is still good, but that's the part that's difficult.

I even went to a few shops, offered to sweep, do a little painting, and they all look at me like I'm some crazy person. The town I'm in are not very charitable toward the homeless even if you're female. Churches barely do anything, and there's no social net outside what the shelter provides so it's very hard to get out of get help elsewhere.

My credit is bad, and folks won't let me work for them, so I'm not sure how I can get what I need for transportation.

The shelter leaders don't answer to anyone, and when I brought up the situation to higher staff who didn't know of the situation they acted as if I was a bum out to taint other staffs reputation, and dismissed me.

The new job themselves just refuse to move a muscle other than keeping the job open until Friday. This is all so stressful, none of this would be happening if the Shelter staff weren't greedy and the new job verified more.

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