
New lead is a tyrant! I’m at my wits end, seriously need advice.

So I work on a helpdesk that is highly specialized. It takes at least 2 years to be proficient at the job. I’ve been there 5 years. This new lead has only been there a few months and they have made it literally unbearable. To the point I’m looking for a new job. I’ve never dealt with this level of micromanagement and I’ve worked in a few call centers and been a lead before myself! I was even offered the lead position but declined because I don’t wanna be a manager. This new person comes in and just completely changes the way we do everything not even knowing what we do and they don’t care. I haven’t got promoted to the next level. Even had other people that started after me get the opportunity. Im expected to do “senior level“ work without senior level pay, title change, because we need…

So I work on a helpdesk that is highly specialized. It takes at least 2 years to be proficient at the job. I’ve been there 5 years. This new lead has only been there a few months and they have made it literally unbearable. To the point I’m looking for a new job. I’ve never dealt with this level of micromanagement and I’ve worked in a few call centers and been a lead before myself! I was even offered the lead position but declined because I don’t wanna be a manager.

This new person comes in and just completely changes the way we do everything not even knowing what we do and they don’t care. I haven’t got promoted to the next level. Even had other people that started after me get the opportunity. Im expected to do “senior level“ work without senior level pay, title change, because we need to be a team player and short staffed and hiring more people isn’t in the budget right now. I help when I can but I’m not given time to help and do my job.

So when they started they lowered our daily count of tickets because the issues are so complicated we weren’t reaching our old goal (I surpass the goal most days) We are to grab our own tickets. This new lead will just assign us work, constantly! Always asking why this took long and we need to work faster and better and keep grabbing tickets even when already assigned a days worth of tickets. Or more because of some emergency situation.

We will be working on a ticket and turn around and we’re getting chastised for not grabbing tickets. Haha ok sure Jan. They are constantly now threatening us with being written for what I don’t know to be honest at this point I really don’t know what they want. We are now expected to find our own coverage for breaks and lunches instead of you know having the lead do their job and develop a schedule.

It’s becoming a very terrible hostile environment because they will not take any feedback from anybody! They are going to do it their way. Period. And our big boss the actual manager is basically useless and doesn’t care.

It was overwhelming before they came on and it’s even worse now! I must reply to every single piece of communication they give me, even if I’m already busy doing you know MY JOB!

And now everything is supposedly a write up, end of the day and you didn’t get to the tickets assigned and unassigned it, write up, didn’t respond to one of their team messages? Write up. Don’t respond to an email right away? Write up! I’ve never been written up. Because I do my job!

I don’t even know how navigate this at all. And they aren’t even my lead to top it all off. My lead is such a pushover they won’t do anything about! It’s to the point I’m about ready to quit but I can’t. And who knows how long til I find a new job.

Sorry for the wall of text I’m just really really overwhelmed and not sure what to do about this

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