
New manager being evasive?

Hello, I'm looking for people's perspective on this situation. I started a new job in July this year. I knew when taking on the job there would be a 4 month period of initial training where no PTO could be used. Taking me up until the end of November 2023. The training is taking place in a nearby city which is a 2 hour commute each way, 5 days per week. This has been a struggle but the job seemed worthwhile as when I'm done with this part of the training I will transition to 4 day weeks, working 9-10 hour shifts. The training academy is separate from the office back in my home city, where I will be working from come December. I emailed my to be manager from the main office looking to take 5 days PTO in April 2024. They took about a week to get back…

Hello, I'm looking for people's perspective on this situation.

I started a new job in July this year. I knew when taking on the job there would be a 4 month period of initial training where no PTO could be used. Taking me up until the end of November 2023.

The training is taking place in a nearby city which is a 2 hour commute each way, 5 days per week. This has been a struggle but the job seemed worthwhile as when I'm done with this part of the training I will transition to 4 day weeks, working 9-10 hour shifts.

The training academy is separate from the office back in my home city, where I will be working from come December. I emailed my to be manager from the main office looking to take 5 days PTO in April 2024.

They took about a week to get back to me, stating they could not authorise PTO for this time, 8 months in advance. As they did not know whether I would be on another training course at this time. I took the initiative and asked the manager of the training facility if they knew, what course, if any I would be expected to participate in in April 2024. The manager stated based on my start date there may be a course due around this time, however if it fell on the dates I wished to take PTO that they would either place me on another course before or after the dates I wish to have off.

Following this conversation, I emailed my manager at the home office, relaying this information and cc'd in the manager I spoke with from the training academy(to verify if required). I received an email in response, that he didn't have a contact number for me and asked me to forward one on so we could discuss this. It's worth noting, the he removed the training academy from the email chain.

So, my question is, am I reading too much into this? I feel he is trying to move the conversation to a phonecall so there isn't a paper trail, I also find it strange that he would remove the other manager from the email chain.

Any suggestions how to move forward with this would be appreciated..

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