
New NLRB Framework makes Unionization the Default Outsome if Union Busting is Involved

Before the framework change, if a unionization election has started and the employer attempts to union bust, the election would just be re-done. Now, if an employer attempts to union bust during an election, the election is dismissed and the NLRB will automatically order the employer to recognized the union and to begin negotiations. This is a huge boon for unions. Now union busting is heavily disincentivized and even counter productive for employers and it is much easier to unionize a workplace!

Before the framework change, if a unionization election has started and the employer attempts to union bust, the election would just be re-done.

Now, if an employer attempts to union bust during an election, the election is dismissed and the NLRB will automatically order the employer to recognized the union and to begin negotiations.

This is a huge boon for unions. Now union busting is heavily disincentivized and even counter productive for employers and it is much easier to unionize a workplace!

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