
New Role Issues

40 years busting my ass for a hospital (gone through many changes – all clerical.) A couple months ago they decided to change our job even further. So instead of working for one unit and doing all the tasks for them I have to work for three or four units and do all the tasks for them. Even more, actually because each floor's manager has gleefully decided to transfer some of their staff's duties on to us. I don't understand how they can just keep adding more and more – the right hand doesn't know (or doesn't care) what the left hand is doing. And God forbid anyone say anything because then you're not a “team player”. Our boss is a greasy schmuck who hired two 19 year old girls to be his assistant managers. They know absolutely nothing, they can't answer a single question and they literally parrot corporate…

40 years busting my ass for a hospital (gone through many changes – all clerical.)

A couple months ago they decided to change our job even further. So instead of working for one unit and doing all the tasks for them I have to work for three or four units and do all the tasks for them. Even more, actually because each floor's manager has gleefully decided to transfer some of their staff's duties on to us.

I don't understand how they can just keep adding more and more – the right hand doesn't know (or doesn't care) what the left hand is doing. And God forbid anyone say anything because then you're not a “team player”.

Our boss is a greasy schmuck who hired two 19 year old girls to be his assistant managers. They know absolutely nothing, they can't answer a single question and they literally parrot corporate drivel.

I keep getting pulled to help out on other units when my own work isn't getting done. I know I'm going to get in trouble – I just don't know how to confront this – I'm a pretty fit 60-year-old but my ass is dragging after 12 and a half hours of running around, lifting, bending, stocking items, transferring patients (which is one thing they recently added with absolutely no training.)

They say do the best you can, it's okay to ask for help. But I've already known two people that have gotten in trouble for their best not being good enough, and the staff on the floors getting mad when their Netflix and Candy Crush is being interrupted by someone asking for help.

My breaks are constantly interrupted and then again it's the old team player trope. I'm tempted to take early retirement I only have 3 years left but you know I really was looking forward to maximizing my retirement. I just don't understand how they expect one person to do triple (and sometimes more) the work now.

There's no training and there's no orientation we haven't seen our boss once. We report for work at this ridiculous “Hub” which is just some tiny smelly room with a bunch of computers and printers and loud ass people in it. Nobody wants to tell you where you're going you have to find out yourself what floors you're covering that day the… phones don't work it's just a complete shit show. I know based on my many years of service at this hospital that nobody's going to have your back it's all on you and you're the one that's going to get fucked over. The lowest person on the totem pole is the one that's going to get crucified.

I'm heartbroken because I love many people that I work with and I actually enjoyed the work. But good Lord I don't know who dreamed of this shit show but I'm just going to be counting the days until I can go somewhere else.

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