
New store manager dislikes me and is trying to make me quit.

Idk how to word it or where exactly to start but here goes.(excuse the misspellings for I am just trying to get this out my chest) I've been working for this retail company for almost 2 years(i got promoted last year to PT support lead), and I really loved this job and store. Since I started we are on our 3rd store manager, took 7 to 8 month to get the second store manager, in which me and two others were kinda running the atore with no store manager(the 1st one was the best but got fired for trying to stop a theft in store). Second one was just plain lazy and had associates working while she sat in the front asking customers what form they were paying. Associates always talk about things with each other, I heard so many complaints about her. I finally went up to her and…

Idk how to word it or where exactly to start but here goes.(excuse the misspellings for I am just trying to get this out my chest)

I've been working for this retail company for almost 2 years(i got promoted last year to PT support lead), and I really loved this job and store. Since I started we are on our 3rd store manager, took 7 to 8 month to get the second store manager, in which me and two others were kinda running the atore with no store manager(the 1st one was the best but got fired for trying to stop a theft in store). Second one was just plain lazy and had associates working while she sat in the front asking customers what form they were paying. Associates always talk about things with each other, I heard so many complaints about her. I finally went up to her and asked her why she didn't really do much to help like everyone else?; she replied with, ” are you serious!?,I can't believe you would say that”. Which soon after she started to “help” more. Well she got fired for showing a customer she was trying to kick out a gun. Fast forward to our new store manager( last 2 were woman, new one is a guy). First day when I was told he was coming to only get the store keys because he was to open tomorrow(way easy to open than to close btw),he came in clocked in for an hour and just proceeded to watch me close. He was talking to me and was telling me “hey I'm here to help, i'ma be consistent, and you will see a lot of changes”. He wasted an hour of labor just t watch me close, like he was just trying to milk the clock before he even started, which didn't sit right with me. I honestly let him know that he is my third store manager and I have been dealing with a lot since we didn't have a SM( and I only get paid .50 cents more than associates. basically told him i would believe it if it happens, actions speak louder than words. he got bothered by that. Well I was getting between 32-35 hours a week, which I was fine with. Well idk if this matters but I was leaving in my car for a whole year working for this company and only a few ppl knew my situation, fast forward to know I was able to find a lil studio, but my car broke down lol lucky huh? Well about a month after he started I noticed my hours were slowly getting cut, and associates were asking him for more hours because they needed them as well, but he proceeds to hire 4 new associates. All girls btw, and as far as I know he personally knows one and told them they would get hired immediately if they put an application, which they did get hired quick. The others idk if he knows them but it seems like he might. Fast forward to now, well now I was barely getting between 10-13hrs a week. I pay child support and I just started having a roof over my head, 10-13 hours a week is not enough to pay for anything let alone survive, he has been messing with me and I am tired of not doing anything. So I contacted HR and kinda of told my situation. Idk if it will help or what else to do. A month ago he said I had to have an open availability, but still getting 10-13hrs a week. I told him I needed to look for another job, that I loved this one but me not getting hours I can't afford the cost of living or survive. I found another job, but still want to keep my old one still. Well about 2 weeks ago he has been what feels like retaliation towards me. I didn not get scheduled at all this week( he asked me to have 2 weeks advanced schedule and I gave him 3 weeks in advance, yet he still didn't schedule me or worked with my schedule. Yet others have school or another job. He keeps on beating around the bush, and then wants to talk to me but I don't feel comfortable, I was going to talk with him my district manager and the HR lady, but the HR lady went on vacation. And there is no on else I can speak to at the moment which sucks. I have text messages I have a few pics of the schedule. Also I almost forgot well since the pandemic my city busses have not been running regular hours which is till about 11p.m. well after the pandemic they stop running at 7:15-7:30 the latest. We close and leave by about 10 on weekdays and sat, 9:30 sun. My car broke down and have no way to make it home if I walk it takes me an hour and a half to walk hime but it's late at night and ot the best side of town to be walking late. I asked some associates for a ride when I would close( which would be pretty much every shift, I didnt even really get weekends off like everyone else did) they weren't obligated to say yes, but closed mouth don't get fed and I needed to get home. 13 hours a week is not enough to have left over to get a lyft or Uber, it's about 10-11$ to get home one way. Well he started scheduling me with people who would say no to giving me a ride( which a no is a no) but the associates who knew my situation and even a shift leader would always give me a ride even if I didn't ask because they know and they didn't mind taking me home, on a car I live literally about 6 mins away because the freeway is so close, walking is about an hour and a half. HR is on vacation so I have to wait till the 19th I believe, but idk what else to do and I feel annoyed and upset. Ohh also when he first started, took me a min to notice, but he was talking to everyone about the last store manager and what they didn't like about her or what she was doing wrong or wouldn't do. Well he started doing what everyone else complained about the last store manager. Well as of now he hasn't been doing much, he is lazy as well spends most days just in the office has other shift leaders or associates do his work for him. Many associates have already complained to me about him. I'm sorry for the punctuation and grammatical errors I just wanted to vent and get this mostly out of my chest, I may have forgotten some things bit as I remember I will write them down. Thank you very much.

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