
New work politics that feel weird about – what would you do?

Tl;dr; Project changes made without asking, duplicating work – what would you do? I am a senior engineer in the company and I was loaned (with my acceptance and my manager's approval) to work on a big project. It had 4 activities, where I led one activity and voluntarily led a 2nd one. I took both these activities to very stable level where we can actually cruise. Bill was the project manager – didn't know much about him prior to this project – NOT a micromanager, but a very busy person. When time comes to extend the project resources, Bill asked all the other activity leads , except me (came to know later). I asked – 'hey do you want my estimates' and Bill says “don't worry, I'll take care of it'. Eventually I came to know that my ideas were taken to hire a junior person (Sam) and my…

Tl;dr; Project changes made without asking, duplicating work – what would you do?

I am a senior engineer in the company and I was loaned (with my acceptance and my manager's approval) to work on a big project. It had 4 activities, where I led one activity and voluntarily led a 2nd one. I took both these activities to very stable level where we can actually cruise.

Bill was the project manager – didn't know much about him prior to this project – NOT a micromanager, but a very busy person.

When time comes to extend the project resources, Bill asked all the other activity leads , except me (came to know later). I asked – 'hey do you want my estimates' and Bill says “don't worry, I'll take care of it'. Eventually I came to know that my ideas were taken to hire a junior person (Sam) and my hours were reduced.

In normal circumstances, hiring Sam person should relieve me, but this was done without consulting me for tasks that were duplicating my proposal.

I had a meeting with the Bill and he indicated that Sam's hire was being done as a favor because he was recommended by team member (John) who helped Bill in other activities. I was livid – because

  • My activity was underfunded
  • I already had a junior engineer to carry on the tasks.
  • Sam is being hired for what I proposed – all the same line items.
  • Sam would not be the person I would hire for what I proposed and would add to my work load to train him.
  • John (Sam's contact) is also very competitive/scheming and has a history of meddling with my project and himself is decently capable.

When I thought carefully it seemed that they didn't need me, nor thought to inform me of the changes that significant. They informed me after they decided and were only telling me (not asking).

My options:

  1. Suck up and deal with this weird arrangement and be resentful to keep people happy.
  2. Withdraw from this project. My home project also needs my skills.

What would you do?

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