
New York State

As a citizen of the US I’ve traveled across a few states. They’re not good.. I’ve bought fudge and produce on the side of the road for a “steal” with risk of getting sick Ofcourse… I’ve worked in enough restaurants to say none of your food is by law “safe” to consume by standards legally set and glanced over. I’ve lived in rented space for as long as myself my mother and her mother can remember… I didn’t finish high school from my 16 yr old brain because as a family I thought we needed to stick together and I couldn’t let my mother be completely responsible for my grandmother.. she had Medicaid which every institution drained what little she had until she ended up back where she was.. renting with my mother… my mother who’d taken care of my grandmother anytime Medicaid would deny service was in a perpetual…

As a citizen of the US I’ve traveled across a few states. They’re not good.. I’ve bought fudge and produce on the side of the road for a “steal” with risk of getting sick Ofcourse… I’ve worked in enough restaurants to say none of your food is by law “safe” to consume by standards legally set and glanced over. I’ve lived in rented space for as long as myself my mother and her mother can remember… I didn’t finish high school from my 16 yr old brain because as a family I thought we needed to stick together and I couldn’t let my mother be completely responsible for my grandmother.. she had Medicaid which every institution drained what little she had until she ended up back where she was.. renting with my mother… my mother who’d taken care of my grandmother anytime Medicaid would deny service was in a perpetual loop. My grandmother died in our living room, my mother had her cremated which apparently is not cheap. I’m almost 30 and still live in New York… my mother is still getting by on 21$ an hour with “benefits” still renting in a crime prone suburb. I haven’t done much besides join the workforce after dropping out of high school and I still have nightmares about the day I thought I couldn’t go back… I know choices are a matter of will and way but I also have been feeling that I’m just stuck doing jobs that I can get, college was out of my ideals after I watched my older sister try community college and end up 40k in debt without her degree.. I’m just a taxpayer now with a family and wife that’s working scraping by on 5,000$ a month…. In New York State I might as well be homeless.

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