
NGOs are about to go “Poof” again

Hi, I have never posted here, so I hope this is correct. This is a bit of a rant, but also an anecdote. Soooooo….many moons ago, I worked for a world famous charity as their project manager for a major fundraising campaign. The job was ACTUALLY a temp job, but the manager lied and said it was permanent. Long story short, I (obviously) found out, but not the way you might think. I found out because after raising a record amount, there was suddenly nothing for me to do. My boss ran from me like the plague whenever I asked what I should be doing. After 3 months of this, the 2008 crash caught up to us in 2009 and the ENTIRE OFFICE was just DISSOLVED. As in, we came to work one morning, and there was no work. That office closed permanently. I looked for jobs at several other…

Hi, I have never posted here, so I hope this is correct. This is a bit of a rant, but also an anecdote. Soooooo….many moons ago, I worked for a world famous charity as their project manager for a major fundraising campaign. The job was ACTUALLY a temp job, but the manager lied and said it was permanent. Long story short, I (obviously) found out, but not the way you might think. I found out because after raising a record amount, there was suddenly nothing for me to do. My boss ran from me like the plague whenever I asked what I should be doing. After 3 months of this, the 2008 crash caught up to us in 2009 and the ENTIRE OFFICE was just DISSOLVED. As in, we came to work one morning, and there was no work. That office closed permanently. I looked for jobs at several other NGOs I had previous professional contact with, and the same thing had happened to them. A whole industry just evaporated in the space of about 8 weeks. So, I was forced to change careers.

Fast forward to now. I am looking for a lower stress 'day' job (I work full time in healthcare) so I have applied to similar positions. Only about 5, or so, and in a totally different province and industry. One application took A MONTH to do. It was fucking ridiculous. But, I really wanted the job, because I fit every single qualification, and I am passionate about the work. The deadline for two applications was today. Both jobs had been posted for months. I had even called to confirm the email address, etc.

Annnddd what did two of the of those NGOs do? That's right. They fucking re-posted the jobs.

I know what you're thinking: maybe I just suck as a candidate. Fair enough. Maybe I do. But the people on the other end of the emails and calls, BEGGING for me to apply, sure didn't seem to (initially) think so. This feels like the old Indeed tactic of posting ghost jobs. And it fucking PISSES me off. I'm so sick of the blatent lying. I am DONE.

The only thing that is giving me any comfort right now, is that I have a pretty good idea of what is going to happen to the corporate HR assholes who cannot exhale with out puking a lie.

THEY are going to suddenly be on the other end of the ghosting.

That's right sweetie! And when the economy hits the shitter, it's always the middle-management, white collar, vapid-job-title zombies that get hit. Why? Because they produce no value outside a giant corporate machine. I know it sounds awful, but I am honsetly so fucking fed up that I am looking forward the the schadenfreude of watching THEIR lives fall apart, while they waste THEIR time banging on doors that are actually brick walls. It's coming. Can't wait.

Rant over. Thanks for reading.

TL;DR – NGOs are posting fake jobs too. And this economy is going to sink many of them when corporate donations and government grants run dry. Given how badly I have been treated by certain ones, TWICE, I am going to enjoy watching the HR snakes drink their own medicine.

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