
Nighttime Panic

Hello all! This is going to be more of a rant. I’m hoping some of you will feel relief hearing that others feel this way. Every night I start to think of work and the next day ahead. I hate where I’m currently at. I’m in an office with a very gossipy boss who is nice to everyone’s face but will talk smack about them the second they’re out of earshot. Being the only other permanent person in this office I need to hear all of it and don’t want to be a part of it anymore. I want to say that my boss is borderline uncontrolled bipolar because his mood swings from one extreme to the next. When he gets angry it gets very bad. This is a place with decent pay and good benefits but requires everyone to go above and beyond even when it hurts them. My…

Hello all! This is going to be more of a rant. I’m hoping some of you will feel relief hearing that others feel this way. Every night I start to think of work and the next day ahead. I hate where I’m currently at. I’m in an office with a very gossipy boss who is nice to everyone’s face but will talk smack about them the second they’re out of earshot. Being the only other permanent person in this office I need to hear all of it and don’t want to be a part of it anymore. I want to say that my boss is borderline uncontrolled bipolar because his mood swings from one extreme to the next. When he gets angry it gets very bad. This is a place with decent pay and good benefits but requires everyone to go above and beyond even when it hurts them. My boss is trying to make other employees feel guilty about taking paid vacations. I just want out. I want to be in a place where I get my own office and can just do my own thing without someone constantly stopping me to gossip

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