
No bonus or cost of life/inflation raise this year

Basically the title. I got an email from our HR that there will be no work bonuses and cost of inflation raises this year for my department. I work at a university and got word that only our department within the university will not be getting one this year. I’m a little upset lol. They said they would be putting the money this year for fixing negative losses or something along those lines. I don’t make much so I was kinda looking forward to the extra help. Just looking to rant a little.

Basically the title. I got an email from our HR that there will be no work bonuses and cost of inflation raises this year for my department. I work at a university and got word that only our department within the university will not be getting one this year. I’m a little upset lol. They said they would be putting the money this year for fixing negative losses or something along those lines.

I don’t make much so I was kinda looking forward to the extra help. Just looking to rant a little.

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