
No matter how much I work, I am going further in the hole. Any advice?

I regret moving to the US, i am originally from europe. None of the jobs here pay anything close to my cost of living (which is pretty modest, i don't go out, i don't buy clothes or objects, have almost no furniture (only a mattress and a chair, no table either). How do you guys make it out here? My mental health has taken quite a toll, i feel like i need a vacation, but never can afford one and I started getting addicted to all kinds of shit (cigs and tv are my escape now). How can I survive?

I regret moving to the US, i am originally from europe. None of the jobs here pay anything close to my cost of living (which is pretty modest, i don't go out, i don't buy clothes or objects, have almost no furniture (only a mattress and a chair, no table either).

How do you guys make it out here?
My mental health has taken quite a toll, i feel like i need a vacation, but never can afford one and I started getting addicted to all kinds of shit (cigs and tv are my escape now). How can I survive?

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