
No more Mr. Nice guy

I work at a job I hate with a passion. I'm only there because I have no other choice. My choices are limited because I'm chronically ill but not sick enough I guess for disability. I work in retail because that's all I've ever done. I don't mind dealing with the public since most people are nice to me. The pay is horrible and the back breaking work while dealing with health problems is disgusting. Right now I'm making only 13 something an hour with little benefits. My old job before the company was sold off in pieces I would make double that. I was sick there too with my chronic health. Then I was screwed over by a corrupt judge for disability. Since being at this job I've added more health problems to my life. Before I had idiopathic gastroparesis and a back that would get really bad at…

I work at a job I hate with a passion. I'm only there because I have no other choice. My choices are limited because I'm chronically ill but not sick enough I guess for disability. I work in retail because that's all I've ever done. I don't mind dealing with the public since most people are nice to me. The pay is horrible and the back breaking work while dealing with health problems is disgusting. Right now I'm making only 13 something an hour with little benefits. My old job before the company was sold off in pieces I would make double that. I was sick there too with my chronic health. Then I was screwed over by a corrupt judge for disability. Since being at this job I've added more health problems to my life. Before I had idiopathic gastroparesis and a back that would get really bad at times. I was seeing a chiropractor for my back. Since working at this place I've added bone spurs and arthritis to both knees which I'll probably need surgery on eventually i also have heel spurs which means my legs and feet are in constant pain. Then on top of that I've had major sleep issues due to my stomach not working and my work schedule. I'm very vocal about what's going on at work in front of my fellow employees and the customers. I have to force myself to be there while I continue to suffer. I just had my appendix out a a couple months ago and still waiting to see if the company is going to pay for my medical leave which I took off for 6 weeks. On top of that they saw something with my liver which I'm having looked at this month. Having to deal with poor health then being a slave to a horrible job is driving me nuts. I don't know what to even do about any of this. I'm fed up and don't know what to do. I would try for disability again but the system is corrupt as hell. Plus the doctors I've seen for my gastroparesis have no clue about the illness. Ive had to be my own doctor when it comes to my health. I kn9w im ramblingbut im just tired of it all..

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