
No more overtime for me

I work a pretty back end job and we essentially work on claims all day. Everyone on my team typically does 20-30 a day, some people doing less depending on the complexity of the claims they’re working on. I started in July and typically do about 8 hours of overtime a week just to pay my bills, rent, etc since my wage is low. On Wednesday my boss emails me saying I can’t work overtime that day since I didn’t do 38 claims and that’s our “benchmark”. We use share-point to monitor things and you can see how many claims someone does per day. I had done 25 for the day and worked more claims than 4 people who all got approved for overtime, who are also all friends with the manager. It feels like my wage has just been slashed for not being besties with a woman twice my…

I work a pretty back end job and we essentially work on claims all day. Everyone on my team typically does 20-30 a day, some people doing less depending on the complexity of the claims they’re working on. I started in July and typically do about 8 hours of overtime a week just to pay my bills, rent, etc since my wage is low. On Wednesday my boss emails me saying I can’t work overtime that day since I didn’t do 38 claims and that’s our “benchmark”. We use share-point to monitor things and you can see how many claims someone does per day. I had done 25 for the day and worked more claims than 4 people who all got approved for overtime, who are also all friends with the manager. It feels like my wage has just been slashed for not being besties with a woman twice my age.

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