
No-one Wants to Work Anymore

Someone I know said that to me today. Always annoys me when I hear it. Who wants to work? If you're doing something important like being a nurse or something, then OK I get it. And if you enjoy your job, then fine. But if you're an accountant for some boring company, why is that a source of pride? I'm not putting anyone down, I've worked my fair share of meaningless jobs. I just don't get why it's seen as shameful to treat them as nothing more than a way to make money. I suspect a lot of it is resentment. Older people want the younger crowd to suffer like they did. And suffer we will. But why in the hell should we treat like a badge of honour? ​

Someone I know said that to me today. Always annoys me when I hear it. Who wants to work?

If you're doing something important like being a nurse or something, then OK I get it. And if you enjoy your job, then fine.

But if you're an accountant for some boring company, why is that a source of pride?

I'm not putting anyone down, I've worked my fair share of meaningless jobs. I just don't get why it's seen as shameful to treat them as nothing more than a way to make money.

I suspect a lot of it is resentment. Older people want the younger crowd to suffer like they did. And suffer we will. But why in the hell should we treat like a badge of honour?

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