
No one wants to work…no one wants to hire

So as I'm selling my business that I ran for the last 13 years, packing up my things and moving onto the next chapter of my life. I realized how hard it has been to get hired or to even get an actual human being to look at my resume. This wasn't some fly by my pants decision either. This whole change in my life has been at least a year and a half in the making. I went to the appropriate classes, I got the certification that I needed and I did all of this while still running the business full time. After I took the classes, passed the certification exam and got certified, I spammed my resume to all of the appropriate jobs listing. I have honestly lost track of how many applications I've sent out. For all my efforts, I only managed an interview with two separate…

So as I'm selling my business that I ran for the last 13 years, packing up my things and moving onto the next chapter of my life. I realized how hard it has been to get hired or to even get an actual human being to look at my resume.

This wasn't some fly by my pants decision either. This whole change in my life has been at least a year and a half in the making. I went to the appropriate classes, I got the certification that I needed and I did all of this while still running the business full time.

After I took the classes, passed the certification exam and got certified, I spammed my resume to all of the appropriate jobs listing. I have honestly lost track of how many applications I've sent out.

For all my efforts, I only managed an interview with two separate companies, a handful of rejection emails and on the rest, radio silence. This was after I fed my resume and cover letter through ChatGPT.

On a couple of applications I even tried running down (metaphorically) the hiring manager just so I can actually talk to a human being and I just get the run around. “Oh, they're not in today” or “I'll check and call you back.” Trust me, they never called back.

This is not only for job listings for the industry I was trying to get into, but I also applied for listing that were more in line with what I've been doing for the last 13 years.

It's not just me either, I have friends who are scared to leave their toxic work environment because getting hired has become impossible. Like, The Minotaur had an easier time navigating the Labyrinth than I am at finding a job that'll hire me.

Yet, all I hear is No OnE wAnTs To WoRk aNyMoRe. Bitch, I'm trying but I keep getting the door slammed in my face!!


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